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A question from a new copywriter named Jackson came into my inbox yesterday…

“I’m just getting started with copywriting, and would love to know if you have some type of guide or  “cheat sheet” for going from newbie to $10,000 a month?”

Good question.

This topic could be an entire 3-day seminar…

But you asked for a cheat sheet…

So here it is…

1. Write every single day

2. Get feedback on your writing

These are the two most important parts.

Problem is, most people try to skip this part.

Cause they just want to learn how to get clients.

Well if your copy sucks, getting clients is next to impossible.

And even if you land one, it will be short lived.

Cause your copy won’t convert.

And they’ll just move on to another writer.

So you can’t put the cart before the horse.

You have to have SOME copy chops.

I’m not saying you have to be an A-list, world-beating copywriter…

But you do have to have the basics down.


I can tell you from experience that the first year of writing copy is the toughest.

It’s like drinking from a fire hose.

There’s all kinds of concepts you need to learn.

And trying to put them all together can be rough.

But don’t be dissuaded by that.

It’s simply part of the process.

There’s a good chance you’ll feel like it’s too hard…

Or that you’re frustrated and you want to quit.

This is completely normal.

I went through it myself. 

So did great copywriters like Craig Clemens, Stefan Georgi and Carline Anglade-Cole.

It’s part of the learning curve.

But if you stick with what I said above…

1. Writing copy everyday

2. Getting feedback on your copy

You will make immense progress.

In 30 days your writing will be so much better.

And 90 days after that it will be on another level.

But that only happens if you follow the two rules above.

You have to be consistent.

And you have to be committed.

Within 6 months of this, you should be ready to take on a client.

For some people it will “click” faster.

For others it might take a little longer…

But if you do this day-in and day-out, you’ll get there.

So that’s my cheat sheet on how to go from newbie to $10k a month as a copywriter.

If you want a more indepth version of this, I have a Youtube video on this exact topic.

I explain what you need to do in detail…

And show you how to land your first client once you have the copy part down. 

So feel free to check that out here if it floats your boat. 

Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up.

Heading out for a little walk this morning. 

Hope you have a great Friday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.