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One of the best things you can do for your business is to have a CLEAR vision for what you want to happen.

For example…

We just wrapped up our Copy Accelerator team meeting in Scottsdale.

Me, Stefan, Blake and Bryan from our team huddled together for the better part of 6 hours and mapped out our plan for the next few months.

Which was much needed.

We figured out the roles we need to hire…

We figured out how we can improve our program…

We figured out how we can make our events better…

Basically we looked at every aspect of the program from member satisfaction to events to operations to new enrollees… 

And by the end of the day we had multiple pages of things we wanted to implement.

But here’s the thing…

I know from experience that if you have too many things on your plate, nothing will get done.

You can’t have 13 action items…

Cause only 2-3 of those will get done.

And realistically you’re better off focusing on the 2-3 things (or even one thing) that will really move the needle.

And thats what I want you to take away from this email.

Narrow your focus.

Specifically I want you to focus on less.

Cause if you’ve had any success at all, the number of opportunities you have available to you are probably large.

And if you try to do them all…

You won’t get anywhere.

I know it’s tempting…

And I know you’re Superman, and you can do everything…

But you don’t help yourself trying to more…

You hurt yourself.

This is why I always say you have to CUT more and focus on LESS.

Figure out what’s going to move the needle for you…

And put all your effort into that. 

You’ll be glad you did…

That’s all I got for ya today…

I gotta hop on my flight back to Austin.

Have a good night.

– Justin


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