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Over the next 3 days we will be hosting our mastermind in Vegas for nearly 200 people.

We have world-class marketers speaking at the event like…

Marc Stockman, Jeff Radich, Tyler Bramlett,  Jay  Deiboldt, Matt Harmon, Jason Kutasi, Stefan Georgi, and Chris Haddad.

So I’m pumped to get started.

One thing I wanted to share with you is a big marketing mistake I learned from selling “sit in” seats for the event.

This is a mistake that could have cost us 6 figures or more in sales.

Here’s the story…

Since our first mastermind in Austin went so well, Stefan and I just kind of assumed this one would sell even better.

We thought everyone that came to the first one would just come back for this one.

Makes sense, right?

Well, that’s not how events work.

People need to be sold on this next event the same way they were sold on the first one. 

We just kind of assumed that since someone had a great experience, they would be in for the next one.


Like everything, you have to go through the FULL selling process.

That means coming up with a big idea for the event…

And getting people really excited to come.

I learned that you can’t half-ass it and just assume people will come.

This is similar to the mistakes people make on their upsells.

They just assume the person is already sold, and that they don’t have to sell them so hard again.

So they put out a 3 minute upsell video and it doesn’t do well.

Big mistake.

You ALWAYS have to go through the full selling process.  


And trying to shortcut that will leave you with less money in your pockets.

That’s a big lesson Stefan and I learned from this event.

We were trying to shortcut the selling process.

But once we realized we were doing this…

And we changed a few things with the copy…

The sales started to pour in.

And people started signing up in droves.

In the end, we wound up selling 87 sit-in seats for the event (which was about 17 more seats than we expected to sell).

So we’re happy…

But the big point I want to make here is that you ALWAYS have to go through the full selling process.

You can’t assume people will just buy…

Or that they like you so much that they don’t need to be sold.

Doesn’t work that way.

And that applies no matter what you’re selling.

So keep that in mind.

Cause it could save you a lot of headaches.

That’s all I got for today.

This is gonna be my last email for a few days.

Our event runs from Weds-Fri, so I probably won’t be writing any emails.


If you want to see all the videos/pictures from the event, I’ll be posting a bunch on my Instagram throughout the week.

Feel free to follow me @ItsJGoff

Talk soon,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.