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After reviewing thousands of pieces of copy, one thing stands out to me more than anything else…

Most people don’t understand their customer on a deep enough level.

Case in point…

Let’s say you’re writing for the survival niche…

On the surface,  if you’re selling survival food or water filters,  it seems like you’re selling “peace of mind”.

Which makes sense…

If shit hits the fan, people want to make sure they have food and water for their families.


This is really only the first layer of that customer.

Cause it’s whats underrneath their need for “peace of mind” that you really want to tap into.

For example…

If you talk to anyone who is a serious prepper (i.e. their garage is full of survival food, bottled water and ammo) you will quickly notice one thing…

They see the world through a lens of “mistrust”.

They don’t trust the government…

They don’t trust the companies that make our food…

They don’t trust the bank teller at their bank…

For most preppers, the only person they trust is themselves. 

And this mistrrust they have is really a symptom of a deeper issue.

Maybe they feel like they’ve been screwed over by the government or their employer…

Maybe they feel like they’ve been ignored for too long…

In most cases preppers feel like they’ve been “left behind”. 

And this brings up all kinds of emotions for them.

– They’re pissed at everyone they think is holding them back (Wall Street, Joe Biden, China etc…)

– They’re scared that their future looks hopeless…

– They’re angry that things aren’t being done “the way they should be done” (most people who are politically conservative have rigid beliefs that things should be done a certain way – i.e. you get married and then you have a kid)

– They feel lots of shame and guilt about not being a good enough provider/protector for their family (very true for older men who see this as their role)

– They want to be able to say “I told you so” to their neighbors or friends when shit hits the fan (i.e. this makes them look smart and “in the know”)

This is the stuff these people feel on a daily basis.

So this is what you want to tap into with your copy.

As you can see it’s really not even about the product.

It’s about all the shit they’re feeling…

The pent-up anger…

The need to feel seen…

This is what I mean by truly understanding your customer.

It goes a lot deeper than the obvious stuff…

To truly understand your customer, you need to dig 3-4 layers deep to get to the real “meat” of what’s driving them.

And if you’re able to do that…

Your copy will convert like crazy. 

Cause in the end it’s all about understanding them on a deep level.  

Hope this was helpful and you got a nugget or two from it.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin


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