“You’re selling something that no one wants”
A few weeks back, I said this to a guy who wanted feedback on his dating product.
He had spent months creating the product…
Pouring his heart into it…
And the information in the course was actually good information.
It would help a lot of guys with their dating life.
There was one big problem.
It probably wouldn’t help many guys in the end, because no one was going to buy it.
Well maybe a few people on his list would…
But it wasn’t going to be the big blockbuster sales machine he wanted it to be.
Cause it wasn’t an appealing offer.
The whole premise of his product was that you have to go out 3-4x a week, and talk to 20+ women a night if you want to get good with women.
Which is true.
And if a guy did that, he certainly would get good at talking to women.
But here’s the rub…
This is not a very appealing offer to a guy who’s struggling to meet women.
Cause it’s gonna involve a lot of work…
And a lot of rejection…
He’s gonna get embarrassed over and over again talking to all these women.
And what guy wants that?
Hardly any of them.
So I told him “you’re trying to sell something that nobody wants”.
This is a big mistake I see pretty often.
He’s simply not thinking like his customer.
And figuring out what his customer would want.
Now let’s compare this to another men’s dating offer out there…
John Alanis has a legendary offer that is the exact opposite of this offer.
Instead of going out 3-4x a week and talking to 20 women a night…
His whole hook is you don’t have to do that…
Cause he teaches you how to get women to come to you!
So all the hang-ups guys have with approaching women are taken away.
You don’t have to deal with any of that crap.
You can just get the women to approach you.
It’s brilliant.
Now let’s go back and compare this offer to the one I was telling you about before…
Which one do you think is more appealing to a guy who’s struggling to meet women?
Obviously the second one.
Cause it takes away a major pain point…
And that’s what a good offer does.
This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
And I’m even teaching it tomorrow for our Copy Accelerator members.
You hear a lot about the copy, the lead, the upsells and the ads…
But at the core of all that, you have to have an offer that people REALLY want.
People don’t want things that sound hard…
They don’t want a bunch of complicated crap…
They want results.
And they want them as easy as possible.
Keep that in mind…
– Justin