A few months ago, Craig Ballantyne emailed me and said “you should make an upsell certification for copywriters. Hardly anyone knows how to write upsells, yet there’s a huge need for it with guys like me”.
I thought about it…
And he was right.
There is a HUGE need for copywriters that understand how to write good upsells.
In fact…
I’d go as far as saying this is the #1 opportunity for copywriters right now.
Because no one is doing it!
There’s hundreds of copywriters out there that specialize in health copy…
Or financial copy…
Or email copy…
But how many specialize in upsells?
Which is crazy.
Cause every offer has upsells.
And anyone that wants to scale their offer, needs GOOD upsells.
But here’s the thing…
Almost no one knows how to write upsells correctly.
For example…
In the last month, I’ve seen two upsells that were written by an A-list copywriter (you would know his name if I said it) that were God awful.
The offer owner told me the first one was converting at like 8%.
Which is terrible.
And this was a bonafide A-list copywriter who wrote the upsell.
But that’s the thing…
Even though this guy is great at writing sales pages…
And even though he’s been writing winning VSL’s for years…
He didn’t have a clue how to write an upsell.
And that’s why his upsell converted at 8%…
Now compare that to someone like me that actually understands upsells.
Even though this guy is a better copywriter than me…
My upsells consistently convert at 33%…
And I even had one converting at 44% recently.
And you might be surprised to learn, this has nothing to do with my copy chops…
But it has everything to do with me knowing the “secret sauce” that makes upsells work.
In fact I’ve shared this “secret sauce” with a few copywriters already…
One of which (Mario) just landed a $12k gig writing upsells for a biz-opp client.
Another one (Chris) just inked a $7k deal writing a single upsell for a supplement offer.
So as you can see, you can make big money writing upsells.
Which is why I said this is such a big opportunity for copywriters.
And it’s why I decided to finally teach what I know about upsells.
That’s what my new course, Upsell Mastery, is all about.
I show you my specific upsell strategy, called the OLOF method.
And how you can use it to write upsells that convert at 30-50%.
The OLOF method is the result of 4 years of rigorous split tests that I’ve run.
And I’ve taken what works…
And simplified it into the OLOF method.
If you follow the method, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have your upsells converting at 30-50%.
I’ve seen it happen with people like Emily Lark, Jamie Lynch, Kate Aseltine, Blake Crothers, Ning Li and more…
That’s how powerful it is.
What’s more…
In the course I’m also giving you 8 of the best upsell templates so that you can plug-n-play and use them with clients.
This makes it as easy as possible on you.
You don’t have to figure out what to write…
Or how to start your upsell…
Just use the templates I give you, and you’ll have an upsell that beats most A-list copywriters in a matter of days.
These are PROVEN templates.
And I’m giving them to you with the Upsell Mastery course.
So with that said…
If you want to get in on this so that you can start writing upsells for clients that convert at 30-50%…
And start cashing big checks just for writing upsells.
Then I suggest you pick up my new course Upsell Mastery today.
It’s normally priced at $1499.
However, I have a special launch deal going on right now where you can actually get a copy of the course for free.
Yep, I said free.
This little video I made explains how you can get the special deal right here.