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If I had to be pick one trait to have as a copywriter, it wouldn’t be being a great writer…

Or even being able to come up with big ideas.

Both of those things matter…

And they’re valuable…

But if I could only have one trait, it would be the one trait I see in nearly every great copywriter.

Can you guess what it is?

Well, I’ll tell ya…

It’s empathy.


Because the more you can truly understand how someone feels, the more they’ll feel understood.

And that is probably the deepest desire we have as humans.

We want to seel seen…

And we want to feel heard…

I’ll give ya an example that illustrates this.

Yesterday I had an appointment with a new gastroenterologist.

So after the nurse took all my info, the gastro came in to meet me for the first time.

Now keep in mind, I have Crohn’s disease, and I’m also dealing with food poisoning right now, so there’s a lot of issues going on at the moment.

However, the doc didn’t seem to care about any of that.

He basically introduced himself and then went into a laundry list of things I’m doing wrong…

“You need to keep better track of your medical history”

“You don’t have the initial diagnosis papers from your Crohn’s? You should have those…” 

It was one thing after another.

And it immediately made me dislike the guy.

There was no concern for how I was feeling…

Or what I was going through…

It was just cold, medical speak.

Like I was just another part on his assembly line of patients. 

It was really the exact opposite of what you should do as a doctor if you want patients to like and trust you.

So the doctor visit wasn’t the greatest…

And as much as that sucked for me…

There’s a big lesson in there about empathy that you can take away for your copy.

Cause empathy is the thing that gets people to like and trust you. 

If someone understands what you’re feeling…

And what you’re going through…

You feel heard. 

And you feel like they care about you.

And guess what?

That’s what you want in copy.

If you can make the person reading it feel understood…

You can sell them pretty much anything.

Cause you GET what they’re going through.

And almost everyone else doesn’t get it.

So they’re going to listen to you.

That’s a simple lesson…

But it’s one that can make you a lot of dough if you do it correctly.

Make sense?

I hope so, cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.