There’s one mistake I see over and over again on upsells that could be costing you 6 or 7 figures.
This is a mistake that even smart marketers make.
And it has nothing to do with your copy…
Or whether you use video or not…
It’s a bigger mistake than that.
In fact, I actually ran a test for a client where I took his first upsell from 9% conversions to 43% conversions by simply fixing this mistake.
Wanna know what it is?
Ok here it is…
This is gonna sound simple…
But don’t let that fool you.
The biggest mistake marketers make on their upsell is they don’t get the offer right.
What really matters is how congruent your first upsell is with what the person just bought on the front-end.
If you don’t have the right offer on your first upsell, it doesn’t matter how good the copy is…
Or how amazing your video is…
It’s NOT gonna convert at 30%, 40% or 50%.
Let’s look at an example…
A friend of mine had a diet book that was doing really well for awhile selling at $39.
But his first upsell was pretty weak.
It was converting around 11%.
Which is not great.
So he couldn’t scale the offer.
He hired numerous copywriters to try and beat his upsell…
Yet the conversion rate barely budged.
Because he was making the mistake I just told you about…
The offer wasn’t right.
He was selling them a diet book on the front-end…
But his first upsell was a series of workouts.
Now, most people would think this is a congruent upsell.
After all diets and workouts go together…
But not really.
Someone buying a diet book wants to lose weight via eating.
They probably don’t want to workout.
That’s just more work for them.
So this first upsell for the workouts seemed like it was congruent…
And it seemed like it was the right offer…
But it really wasn’t.
It was a bad fit.
And that’s why it converted at 11% despite having several copywriters re-write the copy.
So what would have been a better offer?
What kind of offer would convert in that spot at 30%?
Or 40%?
Well, that’s exactly what I’m gonna show you in my new course called Upsell Mastery.
I show you the EXACT upsells that are proven to work again and again.
And I show you examples from multiple niches too.
So you’ll see winning upsells from health, biz-opp, financial, survival, dating, credit repair, real estate, guitar training and more…
This is like an upsell shortcut for you.
I’m telling you the exact product that will sell the best as your upsell.
This way you don’t have to struggle to figure out what the right offer is.
You can just copy the proven upsells I share with you.
So if you have an upsell in your funnel that isn’t converting as well as you’d like…
I suggest you check out the course.
Upsell Mastery is normally priced at $1499.
And at that price it would still be a steal because of how much dough it can add to your business.
But during the launch this week…
I have a special deal for you.
One where you can actually get a copy of the entire course for FREE.
Yes, I said free.
Just watch this little video I shot explaining how it works – and how you can get a copy of the course for free.
-> How to get a free copy of Upsell Mastery