A question came in over Christmas from a reader named Dan about making more money…
“…in your opinion what’s the best way that someone like me can increase my income in the next 12 months?”
Great question.
And to put this in context, Dan just recently launched his first offer.
He also writes email copy for clients.
So with that said, here’s my advice.
The best way to make more money this year is to learn marketing skills from people who are already making more money than you.
That’s the big needle mover.
For example…
Back in 2015, I was at Mark Ling’s mastermind in Vegas, and Chris Haddad gave an amazing presentation on upsells.
At the time, I didn’t know shit about upsells.
They were an afterthought to me (which is why mine did not convert very well back then).
But Chris’s presentation changed that.
In fact, just one of the tips he shared probably was responsible for 6-7 million in extra sales for us over the next few years.
Our Patriot Power Greens offer would not have been the powerhouse that it was had I not went to that mastermind.
We wouldn’t have brought in 300k+ new buyers on that offer.
And we wouldn’t have scaled the company from scratch to $23 million in sales.
Learning how to properly write an upsell made me a lot of money.
Another example…
Earlier this summer I spent like $8k on a few email templates that Travis Sago was selling.
Because Travis is a boss at email.
And the guy knows how to sell high-ticket stuff over email.
So I spent a huge amount of money to learn more about email marketing from Travis.
Point being…
I’m always on the lookout to learn from people who are making a lot of dough.
Whether that’s email marketing, Youtube, Facebook ads…whatever.
If you can learn “what works”…
And what “doesn’t work” from people who are already doing what you want to do, it’s priceless.
It saves you a ton of time…
And a ton of money.
It’s why smart people pony up $35k to be in masterminds.
Now I know not everyone can afford that…
So I have another suggestion for ya…
One that gives you a lot of the benefits of a mastermind without the big price tag.
Yesterday I mentioned that Rich Schefren is running a crazy $1 trial for his “virtual mastermind” called Steal Our Winners.
Basically every month Rich interviews 6 really smart marketers and gets them to spill the beans on a specific marketing tactic that’s working for them.
I’m going to be in the upcoming issue that comes out Wednesday (I’m teaching my OLOF upsell method).
Some of the other people who have been in past issues are superstar marketers like Anthony Morrison, Keith Krance, Todd Brown, Curt Maly, Mike Filsaime and more.
So it’s a “who’s who” of marketers that you get to learn from.
And like I said, Rich is running a special where you can test it out for just $1.
My issue about upsells comes out on Wednesday…
So if you want to see that you have to take him up on the offer before Wednesday.
And if you like what’s shared, you can stay subscribed.
If you don’t, you can simply cancel.
It’s pretty simple.
But going back to what I said at the beginning of this email…
The best way to make more money is to learn from marketers who are making more money than you.
This philosophy has helped me make multiple millions in my life.
And I continue to use it today.
So I highly recommend you do the same…
If you haven’t taken Rich up on his $1 trial yet, then I suggest doing that at the link below…
-> $1 trial for Steal Our Winners

– Justin