One of the smartest things you can do to make more sales is to simply put your ego aside and LISTEN to your buyers.
Case in point…
On Wednesday, I did an impromptu Zoom call with my list on how to get copywriting clients.
It was an open Q&A call…
So anyone on the call could ask me questions about landing clients…
And I’d give them advice.
The call lasted over an hour…
And it was completely free.
Which might seem like a waste of time to a lot of people.
But for me, it was insanely valuable.
Cause I got to listen to my buyers tell me their problems for an entire hour!
And that my friend, is copywriting gold…
Cause I got to hear things like…
“I sent out several hundred emails to supplement ecommerce clients, since I know a lot about supps, but not a single reply.”
“Everything on Upwork and LinkedIn is so saturated, and it’s a race to the bottom where you’re forced to compete on price”
These are the exact specifics I wanted.
And I now have a full notebook of these problems.
So I can take this info…
And I can use it to help create the next training I do on “how to get clients”.
That way I’ll be creating a training that actually solves copywriter’s problems…
And gives them a solution they REALLY want.
And all this was possible cause I put my ego aside…
And listened.
Cause here’s the truth…
If you think you know it all…
And you think you know better than your buyers…
You’re gonna miss out on all the gold they have for you.
So simply put your ego aside…
And listen.
That’s a simple idea…
But it’s a million dollar lesson.
So I hope you take it to heart.
– Justin