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Last night, Stefan Georgi and I closed the doors on our new Copy Accelerator LITE program.

The program was $12,500…

And we had 45 people sign up…

So it was a big success for us.

I want to break down some insights I had during the campaign that I think will help you make more money in your business.

Let’s get to it…

1. When you find something that works, keep doing it

Back in September when Stefan and I were trying to sell tickets for our first live event, we decided to try a weekly Zoom call to see if that would help.

Our plan was to give out REAL content for at least 60 minutes…

And then a little pitch at the end to come to our event.

After the first Zoom call like 6 people signed up for the event.

We were pretty stoked.

So we did another Zoom call a week later.


5 more people signed up for the event.

At this point we both realized “Zoom calls work”.

So let’s do more of them.

We continued to do this when we promoted our February event with the same success.

So when we released Copy Accelerator LITE this past week, we both agreed we needed to do at least two Zoom calls for the launch.

So we got some ideas for call topics from our Facebook group…

And put the two calls on.

Both calls were HUGE hits.

I’d say at least 15-20 of the people who joined our LITE program did so from the Zoom calls.

Point being…

When you find something that works, keep doing it.

Sounds simple, but a lot of people find something that works, they do it once, and then they stop doing it.

Bad idea.

What you really want to do is double down on it.

And just keep doing it until it stops working.

So that was lesson #1 from the launch…

Let’s look at lesson #2…

2.  If people keep asking for something, find a solution for it

A common thing we hear with Copy Accelerator is “I’d love to join, but I just can’t afford the $35k right now”

I’ve literally heard this hundreds of times.

Yet we never really did anything about it.

However back in April, Stefan and I decided to actually solve this problem. 

So we started brainstorming ways to sell a more affordable version of Copy Accelerator to people who didn’t want to pony up $35k.

However, this was a fine-line to walk.

Cause we didn’t want to make our current members feel like they were getting ripped off.

But we also wanted to provide a lot of value to people who joined the LITE program.

So after a few days of discussions, we basically settled on a version that allowed LITE members to be on our weekly calls, attend our 2 live masterminds a year and have access to our entire treasure trove of past training calls.

All for $12,500 a year.

It’s a crazy deal.

And it fit a HUGE need that our prospects were looking for us to fill.

That’s why 45 people signed up for it.

So the big lesson here is pretty simple…

Listen to what people are asking for.

And if something comes up over an over…

It’s your job as the entrepreneur to find a solution for them.

This is another one of those lessons that is completely obvious once you see it.

But it’s a great reminder…

Cause I’m sure there’s things your market is clamoring for, that you haven’t provided them yet.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today. 

Take care,

–  Justin

P.S. –  if you want to watch the replay of our “Million Dollar Offers” call from last night, it’s up on my Youtube channel here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.