After every launch I do, I like to share a few of the big lessons that I learned from the launch.
So you can implement the ideas yourself…
And make some dough with it.
So with that said…
Let’s get into the lessons I learned from my list building launch that just wrapped up.
First things first…
I wanna share the numbers with you…
Overall I had 456 people buy my list building training at $197 each.
So I made $89,832 in revenue.
Which is a lot more than I usually make on a launch…
My last launch did around $54,000…
So this one did about 70% more in sales.
So I’m super happy with that…
And on top of that, the people on the call REALLY loved the content I shared.
So it was a win-win all around.
And I learned a few big lessons on this launch that I’m gonna make sure I use again in the future…
Starting with…
1. The offer was simply a lot more appealing to people than previous offers I’ve done
List building is a hot topic…
And it appeals to a large number of people…
People who already have lists want to know how to add more people to their list…
And most copywriters, media buyers and marketers are interested in having their own list…
So the offer was REALLY appealing to a large number of people.
And that’s an important lesson.
Selling something that people really want (and not something they just “kind of” want) will make you a lot more dough…
It’s easy to overlook this…
It’s not a sexy “hack”…
But every smart marketer I know, understands that when you create an offer that people “really want” (and not just “kind of” want), the sales go through the roof.
So that’s lesson number one…
Let’s look at lesson number two…
2. I put a lot more effort into writing the bullets for this launch than any other launch I’ve done before
Usually I write the bullets on the first day of a launch.
But this time I worked on them nearly a week ahead of time.
I was jotting down ideas whenever I had them…
And then I started compiling bullet ideas into my sketchpad that I keep by my desk (pic below)

A couple of the bullets I wrote seemed to really connect with people…
Like the one about…
– how to acquire an 8,000-10,000 person list for free (yes, I said free)
A lot of people were interested in that one.
So the big lesson here is to put more “prep time” into coming up with good bullets.
When I compare the bullets I wrote for this launch to the bullets from my last launch, there’s no comparison.
The bullets on this launch were a lot sexier…
And I think that’s a big reason why the offer sold so well.
So the big takeaway here is to put more time into your bullets.
Now, let’s look at the 3rd lesson from the launch.
3. I got really clear on a unique angle for my list building offer
Sometimes I tend to gloss over the unique angle and I just say “hey I’m doing a training on list building”.
Which is not very smart.
Cause there’s plenty of list building trainings out there.
I need a unique angle to set mine apart.
And in order to come up with a unique angle, I need to know what the unique problem is that I’m solving for.
And for me that was easy…
The problem I see is that most people build lists and later realize their list is full of tire kickers and freebie seekers…
So anytime they try to sell something, it’s like pulling teeth.
They don’t make any sales…
And they wind up frustrated.
So I wanted to make sure I addressed this unique problem with my offer.
Which is why I made my training not just about list building, but specifically about putting “people with money” onto your list.
That’s a unique angle.
And something that everyone wants.
Nobody wants a massive list full of people who don’t buy things.
You want a list full of “people with money” who continuosly pull out their credit card and buy from you.
So I spent a lot of time coming up with that angle…
And getting clear on it.
So the lesson here is pretty simple…
Put some time into coming up with a unique solution that your people haven’t seen yet.
Make it something they can get excited about…
And if you do this…
A whole lot more people will buy from you.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today…
If you were on the training yesterday, I sent you an email last night with the recording link, so check your inbox for that.
I may do another email like this tomorrow breaking down my lessons from the launch.
So be on the look out for that.
Hope this was helpful for ya.
– Justin