Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Other times they’re about life…
And sometimes they’re completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.
1. I feel immeasurably better when it’s sunny
Since I moved to Austin 5 years ago, my level of happiness has significantly increased because of the weather.
It’s warm here from March until November…
And even during the “winter” it’s usually 55 or 60 degrees on most days.
This is a far cry from what I put up with in Ohio.
I remember my last year in Ohio I woke up on April 23rd, and there was like 8 inches of snow outside.
That was the last straw for me.
I couldn’t do it anymore.
So I moved a few months later to Austin and have been loving the sunshine ever since.
I have no idea why the sun makes me happy…
Maybe its Vitamin D related…
Maybe it’s something wired in our DNA…
Who knows?
All I know is I feel a lot happier when I’m in the sun.
I highly suggest living somewhere that’s warm year round if you like that kind of thing.
It’s a gamechanger.
Alright let’s hop to the next thought on my mind…
2. The world would be a lot better place if men and women could switch places for a week
I was hanging with some friends at Barton Springs yesterday and made a comment that “I wish I could be a woman for a week to see what it’s like”.
I really think it would be an amazing experience.
Cause men and women are so different.
I have no idea what it’s like to be a woman and basically be in a beauty contest every day of my life…
I have no idea what it’s like to walk in a parking garage late at night and be fearful for my life…
I have no idea what it’s like to be looked at like a piece of meat when I walk into a bar (although I did experience this at a gay bar once, and it was quite unnerving) .
I think experiencing all the things women experience on a daily basis would be fascinating.
And I’m convinced that if men and women were able to switch for a week, it would solve a lot of the relational issues we have.
Cause so much of our conflict boils down to the fact that we are SO different from each other…
And neither one of us really understands the other.
Maybe Elon Musk or someone will come up with the technology to make this happen.
I’d sign up in a hearbeat.
Alright let’s do one more.
This is the last thought on my mind this morning.
3. Just because someone else has it tougher than you, doesn’t invalidate your struggles
I was talking to one of my buddies the other day and he mentioned he was going through some tough times with his personal life.
Him and his wife haven’t been on good terms…
One of his kids is really struggling in school…
So he’s been feeling down…
And drinking more than usual.
On the flipside of this, his business is doing really well this year.
He’s making close to $50k a month.
So one thing he kept bringing up when we talked was that he feels a lot of “guilt for complaining about his problems, when others have it so much worse”.
I can totally relate to this way of thinking.
Cause I used to think the same way.
I felt bad talking about my struggles…
World’s smallest violin kind of thing…
But one thing I’ve learned is that no matter how good your life is, that doesn’t invalidate the stuff you’re struggling with.
Just because someone else’s problems are more traumatic than yours, doesn’t mean your problems aren’t real.
Your problems are real…
Your struggles are real…
And you’re allowed to feel down because of that.
That took me a long time to learn.
And to be ok with.
It’s been a big shift for me since I internalized that though more and more.
So keep that in mind.
Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up and go for a run.
Hope ya got a nugget or two out of this.
Enjoy your Sunday…
– Justin