Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning…
1. Shaming people who only go to church on Easter and Christmas was a big thing in my house growing up
My family went to church every Sunday when I was younger.
Which was very important to my mom…
However, every Easter (and Christmas) my mom’s attention would turn to the “church tourists”.
AKA the people who didn’t attend church regularly, but showed up on Easter and Christmas.
This drove my mom bonkers.
She’d be visibly upset when these people would show up on Easter and take all the good seats.
If you looked closely you could see smoke coming out of my mother’s ears.
This little routine of hers went on every year…
Not only was she pissed off about it…
But she took a moral stance on it…
She would jockey to show how she was morally superior to these people who weren’t regular church goers like her.
The whole thing was insane.
And even as a kid I thought she was nuts.
But it happened every year.
There’s probably a ton of lessons in here about human behavior, but bottom line is that people LOVE to feel better than those around them.
Alright let’s jump to the second thought on my mind this morning…
2. If you’ve never watched the “Wizard Of Lies” movie about Bernie Madoff, you should
I was flipping through HBO yesterday and started watching this movie.
Robert Deniro plays Bernie Madoff in the movie…
And you get to see how he pulled off the biggest ponzi scheme in history.
If you’re not familiar with the story, he stole more than $65 billion from his clients.
That’s billion with a “b”.
It all came crashing down in 2008.
And Madoff weent to prison for life.
However, as much of a scumbag as he is…
There’s a lot of good marketing lessons in his story.
And the main one is that the only reason he was able to pull this whole thing off was because of WHO he was perceived as being.
Madoff was known as this genius trader in New York…
And throughout the years, he held a bunch of really high positions on Wall Street (I believe he was even the chairman of Nasdaq for a while).
So he was as trustworthy as could be.
This is what allowed him to pull off his heist.
If he was just some bum slinging penny stocks in Brooklyn, it wouldn’t have happened.
It’s because of all the prestigous titles he had…
And the positions he held that he was able to do it.
Which is a good marketing lesson.
Cause you can replicate those same things in your business – and use them for good.
Alright let’s do one more this morning…
3. Decorating a house is like a marathon that never ends
I moved into my house in 2018.
It was brand new at the time, so it wasn’t a fixer-upper.
It’s now April of 2021 and my house is still not fully furnished.
We’re currently finishing up the last bits of the house right now…
Mostly my office, a guest room and the halllway going up the stairs.
So I’m hoping we’ll wrap soon.
If you would have asked me how long this would take to decorate when I moved in, I would have guessed “6 months”.
Which is laughable.
Everything with a housee takes 3x as long as you think it will.
Ordering a chair, or a desk winds up taking 4 months before it gets here.
And then if there’s anything wrong with it, you have another 4 months to get the replacement.
It’s insane.
I was naive to all of this.
I thought you just went to West Elm and bought shit and you were done.
But that’s not really how it works.
If you’re thinking of buying a house and making it your own, just keep this in mind.
Everything takes WAYYY longer than you think it will.
That’s all I got for ya this morning…
Enjoy your Sunday,
– Justin