Every Sunday I like to share 3 random thoughts that are on my mind.
Sometimes these are about business…
Sometimes they’re about money…
And other times they truly are random.
So with that said…
Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.
1. There is a trade-off for everything
Over the last 12 months I’ve been writing a lot about narrowing your focus.
Cause the reality is that you can only do so much.
By putting your focus on something, you will lose focus on something else.
That’s just the way things work.
And being naive about this is a big mistake.
Tradeoffs happen with everything.
If you stay up til 1 AM, your trade off is feeling tired the next day (like I feel right now).
If you launch a new offer, your trade off is that the other offers you own will get less attention.
This happens all the time.
And like I said, it’s important to be aware that you are constantly making trade offs when you decide to do something.
Alright let’s jump into the second thing on my mind this morning…
2. The most important metric for success is also the least sexy one… consistency
Most people are good at starting things…
But they’re terrible at continuing them.
If you want to get good at writing copy, you need to write everyday.
If you want to get in shape you need to eat right 80% of the time…
If you want to retire with a fat nest egg, you need to invest your money every year.
This is what consistency looks like.
Like I said it’s incredibly boring.
And you don’t want to hear it…
But it’s what matters.
Most people can do things well in the short term.
But consistency in the long run is the key.
Nothing trumps consistency.
Alright let’s do one more thought that’s on my mind this morning…
3. Attention trumps credibility
Last night when I was watching the Jake Paul vs. Ben Askren fight something dawned on me…
Attention trumps credibility in today’s world.
And here’s what I mean by that…
Jake Paul is not a professional boxer.
He’s a Youtube star.
And he has a following of more than 20 million people on Youtube.
So how is a Youtuber who’s only been boxing for a few years able to get a massive payday for a boxing fight?
He has attention.
Doesn’t matter that he’s a mediocre boxer…
Doesn’t matter that there are thousands of boxers who have trained longger than him and are better fighters than him.
Jake has attention, and they don’t.
And attention is what drives everything in today’s world.
If you have people watching you…
Or reading you…
Then you have a lot of power.
Attention trumps credibility in today’s environment.
Keep that in mind…
That’s all I got for ya this morning.
Enjoy your Sunday.
– Justin