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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

But today is going to be a special edition of my “3 Sunday Morning Thoughts”. 


Well because my mindset coach, Brent, is finally launching his long-awaited course this Tuesday (after nearly two years of work)…

So today’s email is gonna be about some of the best lessons I’ve learned from Brent in the five years we’ve worked together.

Starting with…

1.  The problems you face in regards to making more money or charging more for your services are usually rooted in how your parents raised you

Let’s say you’re a 47 year-old copywriter and you charge $5,000 to write a sales letter.

However you wish you could charge more.

Your talent certainly warrants it…

And clients keep hiring you over and over again…

But every time you think about raising your rates, a whole host of uncomfortable feelings start to pop up…

You get worried about your clients getting pissed and ending things with you…

Maybe you think “I’m not good enough to charge that much”…

Or maybe it’s even deeper, and you flat out think “I don’t deserve to make that kind of money”.

Almost all of these thoughts have to do with your emotional relationship with money.

And even though you’re 47 years old, that relationship with money was formed when you were a kid.

It’s what your parents imprinted on you…

And what you learned from the people around you growing up (kids at school, pastors, grandparents etc…)

So even though you’re not a little kid anymore…

All your beliefs and feelings about money from when you were a kid are what’s affecting your business today.

Pretty crazy, huh?

So it’s really not about anything “logical” in the present. 

It’s about the emotional stuff from your past.

That’s been a big realization for me over the years.

Alright let’s hop to the second thing I’ve learned from Brent since working with him…

2. Learn to be “gentler” on yourself

I wrote about this topic a few days ago, but it’s so important that it’s worth repeating.

Most of the successful people I know are VERY hard on themselves.

They demand perfection…

And don’t allow for mistakes…

And while this mindet can help you to make a lot of money, it can also drive you to be miserable.

And I would know, this was me to a “T” before I worked with Brent.

I was always 100 miles an hour all the time…

I wouldn’t allow myself to watch TV or do anything  that I enjoyed…

And if I was writing copy, and it didn’t convert, I’d beat myself up so badly that I’d feel like shit for weeks and weeks.

It was NOT a good spot to be in.

And frankly, living like this was not sustainable.

I was constantly burnt out…

And stressed to the gills.

I look back on that version of Justin now, and it makes me cringe.

If only I knew what I know now, and how being gentler on myself was so powerful…

It would have made my life a lot more enjoyable.

If you’re always beating yourself up, and demanding perfection from yourself, I’d urge you to be a little gentler on yourself.

Allow yourself to make mistakes…

Allow yourself to do things you enjoy…

Your life will be a lot better (in all areas) if you do this…

Alright let’s hop to the 3rd thing that I learned from Brent…

3.  Most self-help stuff is simply a “band aid” that will make you temporarily feel better, but what you really want is to get to the root of your issues

Back in 2017, I went on a blitzkrieg of attending personal development events.

I did a 9-week workshop with a group of 16 other guys..

I did the Landmark Forum…

I went to Tony Robbins “Date With Destiny”…

I probably dropped close to $50k that year on self help events.

And each one DID help me.

At least temporarily…

Tony Robbins for example, gave me a lot of insight into patterns I had that were not helping me in life.

And after all of Tony’s high energy talks…

And meditations…

I felt like I could conquer the world.

But here’s the thing…

Most of this was temporary.

I felt good, and was on a “high” for a few days or a few weeks after the event.

But eventually I just went back to my old ways.

And I’d be on the hunt again for the “next” personal development event that would fix me.

This was a big eye opener for me.

And it made me realize most personal development stuff is simply a band-aid.

It doesn’t get to the root cause…

And doesn’t actually change anything at the root of your problems.

This is why I’m such a big fan of Brent…

And why I’ve paid him $260k over the last five years. 

Cause his method actually gets to the root of your problems and helps you fix them, permanently.

There’s no regression.

Or going back to how you used to be. 

This is why many of the big names in our industry also work with Brent like Ian Stanley, Dan Ferrari, Mike Abramov, Ed Scow, Steve Grey, Henry Bingaman, Nick Daniel, Alec Rosa and more.

He’s truly unique.

And helps you fix your problems (business, money, relationships etc…) at the root level. 

So I’ve highly recommended him for years.

And I’ve probably sent him 10-12 new clients myself.

But the reality is that Brent has a two year waitlist at this point, and he charges $125k a year to work with him 1-on-1.

Which for 99.9% of people, he’s simply unaffordable.

And that’s why I’m glad that he’s finally putting out a course detailing how you can use his “correction method” at home by yourself.

That’s coming out this Tuesday.

So all this week I’ll be talking about it…

And sharing a bunch of my insights that I’ve learned from Brent over the last five years.

I think you’ll find those emails really helpful.

So make sure you tune in this week if that interests you. 

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

P.S. – here’s a pic of me and Brent at a recent intensive I had with him at his house…

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.