Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind…
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s jump into the first random thing on my mind this morning…
1. Your customers do NOT act in the way you think they should act
Last week my partner Stefan promoted my email list to his list.
So I got a bunch of new subscribers.
One thing that was interesting though is the number of people who were NOT on my list who are paying members of Copy Accelerator.
There were a bunch of them.
So they are paying to learn from me…
Yet, they aren’t on my email list.
Which is strange to me.
But there were a bunch of people like that.
So as a marketer I made a mistake here.
I wrongly assumed everyone in CA would just be on my list.
Not true.
And the big point I want to make here is that your customers usually don’t act in the way you think they act.
They aren’t all the same.
They aren’t logical.
They’re going to do what they’re going to do.
So you can’t assume they’ll act how you think they’ll act.
That’s a big point to remember…
Alright let’s jump to the second thought on my mind this morning…
2. Adding handstands and yoga to my workouts has helped a bunch
When I was in Hawaii last month, I didn’t lift at all while I was there.
I just did yoga…
And handstands on the beach…
It was a nice break from the gym.
Since then I’ve incorporated both handstands and yoga into my weekly workouts.
So I’m lifting weights 3x a week at Starting Strength…
Doing yoga 2x a week (usually hot yoga)…
And then 2-3 days a week I practice some handstands outside.
Which has been a lot of fun for me.
I tend to get bored just doing the same squat, deadlift and press over and over again.
So the variety has been good.
And I think my body likes it.
My last DEXA scan had me at 170 lbs and 19% body fat (which is the best I’ve had in a while).
So it seems to be working.
BTW if you’re not following me on IG yet, do that at @itsJGoff.
Alright let’s do one more of these…
3. Remember your life should be about getting what YOU want (not what others want)
On Friday, I recorded a podcast with Michael Rochin all about the mental battles we face as entrepreneurs/writers.
So we talked about perfectionism…
And being married to our work…
But one thing I really harped on at the end of the pod is keeping focused on whatever it is that YOU want.
Cause that’s what really matters.
Most people wind up chasing things that don’t matter to them.
For example, if nice cars don’t do anything for you, then don’t waste your money on nice cars.
And if you only need $100k a year to live a good life, why are you killing yourself to make $400k a year?
These are things most people don’t think about.
But they should.
Your goal should always be to have the life that YOU want.
And that is gonna look different for everyone.
Maybe you want to make 6-figures and do the digital nomad thing…
Maybe you want to make a ton of dough, so you can retire early…
There’s no right answer here.
But it helps to know what YOU really want.
So you can stay focused on that.
Most people don’t know what they want, so they end up going after things that other people want.
Big mistake.
Figure out what is that you want…
And stay focused on that.
In the end, the goal is to have the life that YOU want.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause I gotta take off.
Enjoy your Sunday,
– Justin

If you want to learn the “secret sauce” to getting the life you truly want, then I suggest you come hang with me on August 31st here