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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  This morning I was reminded again, just how much happier I am when I’m in the sun

This last week in Austin we had some bad weather…

Like 48 degrees and grey everyday.

It was starting to get to me.

But today in Tampa, and it’s 75 and the sun is shining.

I went for a walk this morning and couldnt stop thinking about just how much happier I am when I’m in sunny/warm weather.

I honestly don’t know how I lived in Ohio for 32 years.

I could never go back after being in the sun 10 months a year in Austin.

I’m not sure if I have some kind of seasonal affective disorder or what…

But I know I’m way happier when it’s warm out.

(This is a nudge to move somewhere warm if you live somewhere that still has snow in April)

Alright, let’s hop to the 2nd thought on my mind…

2.  Only cancel at the last minute if you absolutely have to

One of the things that has really irked me over the last year as I’ve put on events and hosted dinner parties at my house is people canceling at the last minute.

I’ll say I 100% used to do this myself…

But now that I’m on the other end of it, I see how much it screws things up for the host.

For example…

One of the speakers that was supposed to speak at the VIP day tomorrow at our event, just bailed yesterday and told me he couldn’t make it.

I have no idea what his reason was…

Maybe it was legit…

Maybe he just wasn’t interested in speaking…

But I spent probably three weeks trying to get this guy to speak at the event.

I called numerous people…

I offered favors to get him here…

And after all that work, he bails at the last minute.

Which is a bummer.

The event will be fine cause I already had plans in place for backups…

However, this kind of thing really puts the host in a bad position.

I’ve seen the same thing happen when I throw a dinner party at my house. 

I put all kinds of thought into making sure it’s the right 8 people at the table…

And then 3 people bail at the last minute.

Not only does those 3 people not being there change the vibe of the dinner…

But it’s really unfair to the 3 other people I COULD have invited who would have shown up.

Like I said, I used to be guilty of doing this all the time…

And I never thought twice about it.

But now that I’ve been on the other side, I realize you probably should not bail last minute unless you REALLY, REALLY have to. 

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3. Your goal should always be to make progress (even if you’re already damn good at something)

This morning I was thinking back to the first Copy Accelerator event we held in Austin in 2019 and I just had to laugh.

We were so unprepared.

We had no idea how to run a live event.

It was basically Stefan, me and Blake doing everything.

No team, no helpers, nothing…

Honestly I have no idea how that first event even got off the ground. 

But it did.

And when I compare that first event to the event we are having this week and it’s like night and day.

We have a full team of 25+ people now.

We have the schedule planned down to the minute.

Everything is accounted for and setup in advance.

It’s a big undertaking…

And there’s a lot of planning…

And the events are a lot better because of it.

Point being…

Even though Stefan and I were A-list marketers when we put that first event on, we weren’t experts on how to run events.

We were newbies.

So we had to learn.

And each event since then, we’ve had a better event than the last one. 

That’s what progress is.

You should get better each time.

And that principle applies whether you’re running events or writing copy.

Perfection isn’t the goal…

Progress is.

That’s a good lesson to keep in mind.


I need to wrap this up so I can eat and get outside for a bit.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.