Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about marketing.
Sometimes they’re about life…
And sometimes they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning.
1. My predictions of a recession were wrong
Back when COVID hit, I made a prediction that the US would probably go into a recession in the next 12 months due to so many people being out of work.
That hasn’t happened yet.
Mostly because the government is printing money and propping everything up.
But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
I still think we are poised for a recession in the near future.
Although if the government is intent on just endlessly printing money to prevent that, who knows if it will ever materialize.
Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…
2. Focus on the $30,000 questions, not the $3 questions
Ramit Sethi has a great quote about personal finance where he says “focus on the $30,000 questions, not the $3 questions”.
For example…
Instead of worrying about the $3 coffee you buy from Starbucks everyday, focus on a big needle mover like refinancing your mortgage at a lower interest rate.
This idea is particularly relevant for me right now.
Becuase I just started the process to refinance the mortgage on my house.
My original mortgage was at 4.65% for 30 years.
But mortgage rates have dropped like crazy and I found a new rate at 2.12% for 15 years.
So basically I’m only paying $1000 more per month…
And I’ll have the house paid off in 15 years (instead of 30).
To me this is a no-brainer.
But the big thing here is that I’m focusing on the $30,000 question like Ramit says.
I’m not worrying about small purchases…
Or things that don’t really move the needle.
I’m focused on the things that matter.
And that’s what you want to do when it comes to money.
Let’s hop to the last thought on my mind this morning…
3. You should have 12 pairs of the same underwear
A few years ago I had an “ah ha” moment when I realized that most of the underwear I was wearing was NOT comfortable.
Because I didn’t actually pick them out.
They were all given to me as Christmas gifts by either my parents or an ex-girlfriend.
But then one day, I ordered some TommyJohn boxer briefs.
And they fit me perfectly.
They had stretch to them…
They didn’t bunch up…
Sitting at home and working all day in them was infinitely more comfortable than what I was used to.
So what did I do?
I eventually ordered like 12 pairs of TommyJohn underwear and threw everything else out.
Looking back now I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner.
I mean, there’s nothing worse than sitting in uncomfortable underwear all day.
You’re always re-adjusting…
And they scrunch up in all the wrong places.
It’s just not pleasant.
But when you have a pair of underwear that actually fits you well, you’re comfortable all day long.
To me this is an essential life-hack if you’re working at a computer all day.
You need to be comfortable.
And that starts with your underwear.
So if you’re like I was and you’re still wearing underwear that isn’t the most comfortable, I suggest finding some you like and buying like 12 pairs of them.
I know it sounds silly…
But this can be a life-changing hack in terms of your comfort while you’re working.
So there ya go…
I said these were gonna be 3 completely random thoughts…
And that’s what came out.
Hope you enjoyed this…
Have a good Sunday…
– Justin