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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first random thing on my mind this morning…

1. New Years Eve is still the most over-rated holiday

Every year I think “this will be the year that New Years is fun”…

And every year I’m let down.

I honestly don’t know what it is about NYE that makes it not that much fun…

Could be all the hype…

Could be all the people that are out who normally don’t go out…

Who knows…

But I feel like I’m getting to the point where I’m just gonna skip the whole NYE party and go on a ski trip with friends.

Or go sit on a beach in Mexico…

That seems like a lot more fun… 

Alright let’s hop to the second thing on my mind this morning…

2.  The sooner you stop looking for a “magic bullet” the sooner you’ll be successful

One of the funny things about being a copywriter is that you understand that people always want magic bullets for their problems.

I do…

You do…

We all want the “easy” way.


Real success in anything is always more complicated than that.

If you wanna make money with AirBNB’s it’s probably not gonna be the “passive income” dream you have in your mind…

And if you wanna scale your offer on Youtube, there’s not gonna be one little thing that allows you to do that.

Point being, it’s in your best interest to be realistic about what it will take to do something…

And the sooner you stop looking for “magic bullets” for everything, the more successful you’ll be.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  The biggest opportunity for email copywriters right now is on Youtube

I’ve been watching a bunch of Youtube personalities in the money/finance space lately like Graham Stephan and Meet Kevin…

And one thing keeps standing out to me…

NONE of these guys have email lists.

They have millions of followers on Youtube.

And they make great money from running ads on their channel, getting sponsors for episodes and even selling courses.


They’re leaving millions of dollars on the table by not having an email list.

Honestly, this is one of the biggest opportunities for email copywriters.

You could easily partner with someone like this, write a daily email for them, and take 30% of the profits.

It’d be a win-win.

The Youtuber would get another income stream…

And it’d also provide them a little insurance incase they get banned from Youtube…

So I think they’d be all for it.

I mean these guys with 2-3 million followers are missing out on a TON of money by not having an email list. 

So this is a big opportunity…

And one that could make you a lot of money if you partner with the right person. 

Alright I need to wrap this up…

And make some breakfast…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin


Want to be coached by me?

If you like the insights I share in my emails, you may be interested in working with me in my coaching program, Copy Accelerator.

You’ll get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already helped hundreds of copywriters hit 6-figures (sometimes multiple 6-figures) like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Mario Castelli, Scott Connorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills and Krista Edsall.

We’ve also helped offer owners like Troy Ericson, Steve Gunn, VShred, Scott Phillips and more to scale their offers to hundreds (and even thousands) of sales a day.

So if you want to see what all the hooplah is about when it comes to working with me and Stefan, then I suggest you check this out…

-> I want to be coached by Justin & Stefan


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.