Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re truly random…
So with that said…
Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…
1. Once you see the 80/20 rule, you can’t unsee it
I’ve been noticing the 80/20 rule in action a lot lately…
For example…
– 20% of the people in my phone, make up 80% of the texts I get
– 20% of the places I drive to make up 80% of my driving time
– 20% of the people on my email list, make up 80% of the revenue from my business
– 20% of the clothes in my closet, get worn 80% of the time
– 20% of the floors in my house get walked on 80% of the time
I could go on and on.
Point being, the 80/20 rule is always in effect.
And a small number of things are usually responsible for most of your results.
Something to keep in mind…
Alright, let’s hop to the 2nd thing on my mind this morning…
2. I woke up this morning and realized how much I do not miss drinking alcohol
Over the last few years, my drinking habits have changed dramatically.
I used to have 8-10 drinks on a Friday night…
And then I’d do the same thing the next night.
This was routine for me until around 2017.
In 2017, I was having some serious issues with my Crohn’s disease.
And drinking just made that worse…
So I stopped for a while.
One of the things I realized when I stopped was that I really didn’t miss it.
I could still go out with friends and have a good time without drinking.
Now-a-days, I consider myself more of a “special occasion” drinker.
For example, I had a couple cocktails for my birthday back in March…
And I did the same on Halloween last year…
It’s basically a few times a year at this point.
And I’m realizing I like this way of drinking a lot better.
It doesn’t mess with my sleep…
And I’m not nursing a hangover all weekend.
I know this isn’t a fit for everyone.
A lot of people love having a drink with dinner every night.
But for me, this way works.
Alright, let’s do one more of these…
3. Sell people what they WANT
When I was in Hawaii, one of the tour guides was telling me about a new tour he was thinking of offering…
It was basically a food tour, where he’d take you around to all these farms and you get to try these fresh picked fruits.
I told him it was decent idea…
But that a better idea would be to take people to like the 5-7 most Instagrammable spots on the island as a tour.
Basically he would drive you around…
And help you get amazing pictures in these spots.
I told him this would be a homerun.
Cause this is what people want.
They want great pictures to post when they’re on vaction.
And if he can help them do that…
He could make a lot of money with that tour.
Which is a good marketing lesson.
And it’s one I repeat over and over.
Just sell people what they want.
Not what they need…
Or what they should like…
Sell them what they want.
That’s a million dollar lesson right there if you take it to heart.
Time for me to wrap this up…
And head out.
Enjoy your Sunday…
BTW if you’re new to my list, and you haven’t said hello yet, feel free to respond to this email and say hi.
– Justin

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