Every Sunday morning I like to talk about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re truly random.
So with that said…
Let’s dig into the first thing on my mind this morning…
1. Freedom is the basis for being able to live life on your own terms
When I launched the Justin Goff Marketing Letter last year, the theme for it was…
That’s kind of how I look at my business.
And my life.
So I talked a lot about freedom in the newsletter…
Mostly in context of being able to live the life you want, work when you want, do what you want etc…
But there’s another layer to that…
Cause none of that is possible if you’re denied those freedoms in your country.
If you have an opressive government that tells you what to do, then freedom is a tall task.
For me this is something I’ve always taken for granted.
But I shouldn’t.
And the more I talk to people from other countries, and the more I learn about other cultures, I realize just how valuable freedom is.
The freedom to make your own decisions, your own mistakes, your own choices…
I understand why wars are fought over this.
And millions die trying to get it.
It’s what we all want.
What good is a life where everything is dictated for you?
I wouldn’t want that.
And neither should you.
The more I’ve thought about this, the more grateful I’ve become for being able to have the individual freedom that I have.
It’s essential for a good life.
2. Just because you would do something a certain way doesn’t mean other people will do the same
I remember talking to my coach, Brent, about a friend of mine who needed money, and I didn’t understand why my friend wasn’t working his ass off to make money.
He was just kind of non-chalant about it.
“If that was me, I’d be working 14 hours a day to fix this and figure it out” I said.
I couldn’t wrap my head around what he was doing.
I was frustrated…
And confused…
Then in one sentence, Brent made it very clear why my friend wasn’t doing what I would do…
“He’s not you, Justin”
That sentence hit me like a baseball bat over the head.
And it seems incredibly obvious to me now…
But at the time, it never dawned on me that he wouldn’t do the same things as I would do.
I just assumed he would.
But in reality, that’s hardly ever the case.
Most people are not like you.
And they won’t be willing to do what you do.
Now that I understand this, it’s super helpful when relating with team members, friends, clients etc…
If you always expect people to do the same thing you would do, you’re gonna be disappointed.
Alright, let’s do one more of these…
3. I’m on pace to take more vacations this year than I ever have before
One of my goals for this year was to take 3 vacations.
Because I feel a lot better after taking a vacation.
I’m more excited about my work.
And it helps me not burn out.
I went to Cabo with some buddies back in March, which was my first vacation of the year.
And now I’m heading to Hawaii.
If you talked to Justin from 5 years ago, he probably would have laughed at this.
Back then I thought I didnt need time off.
I thought vacations were for people who weren’t dedicated (seriously).
So I never took them.
I just worked all the time.
And while that made me a bunch of money, it also made me miserable.
I eventually learned my lesson.
And now I actually schedule vacations ahead of time at the beginning of the year.
I’ve reealized that if you want to be in this for the long haul…
And you want to be a successful entrepreneur 10-20 years from now…
You need to take breaks.
You need time off.
You need time to recharge.
There’s nothing wrong with taking time off…
No need too feel guilty about not working.
Your body and your mind need it if you’re gonna operate at the level you do.
I understand this now.
I didn’t understand this 5 years ago.
So my suggestion?
Take more time off.
You’ll be a better entrepreneur for it.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya today…
Enjoy your Sunday…
– Justin