Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning…
1. Everyone is a beginner at some point
I mentioned last week that I started going to yoga 3x per week.
Which has been very humbling.
I’m not flexible…
And my cardio is shit right now, so I’m always taking breaks during class.
But I’m sticking to it.
One thing that has been eye-opening for me is seeing what it feels like to be a beginner at something.
In the marketing world, I’m not a beginner.
I’m an expert.
And a lot of people look up to me.
So it’s easy to feel comfortable in that spot.
But in the yoga world, I’m the equivalent of someone who just started writing their first piece of copy.
Everything is new to me.
I don’t know what I’m doing…
And it can be hard watching others who are really good.
But I keep reminding myself that when it comes to yoga, I’m a beginner.
And that’s ok.
Everyone is a beginner at some point.
There’s nothing wrong with being new.
Just own the fact that you’re a beginner.
And understand that you’re still learning.
Alright let’s hop to the next thing on my mind…
2. My cardio has really taken a hit on the carnivore diet
I’ve been on the carnivore diet for nearly a year now.
I just eat ribeye 3x a day.
One thing I have noticed with carnivore is that anything that requires endurance is tough for me.
So if I’m at the gym and I do a set that’s over 4-5 reps, my body will be wiped out.
Or if I’m at yoga, I start to really fail around the 35 or 40 minute mark.
This never happened to me before.
But it’s been a noticeable difference since going carnivore.
I’m working on a few things with my stomach now so that hopefully I can add carbs back in, but we’ll see.
Alright let’s do one more of these…
3. I’m going to Hawaii next month
I’ve been planning a little vacation in July for a bit, and finally settled on Hawaii.
My plan when I’m there is simple…
I want to surf, watch sunsets, snorkel and do some yoga.
Basically just chill out.
And relax.
I’ll probably work for about an hour in the morning.
And then have the rest of the day to myself.
I’m not a big fan of planning a lot of things when it comes to vacation.
My mom always did that when I was a kid, and it drove me nuts.
She had a full itinerary from 7 AM til 8 PM that was packed with everything we had to do.
By the end of the vacation, I felt like I needed another vacation just to recover.
Not exactly my idea of fun.
So I kind of do the opposite now.
I don’t plan anything.
I just go with the flow each day.
Which I love.
And I feel a lot better when I take these kinds of vacations.
I work hard enough when I’m at home.
I don’t need to be doing stuff at all hours of the day on vacation.
This is my time to veg out.
And do nothing.
So I’m looking forward to that.
And I highly recommend you take some time off as well this summer.
If you’re a go-getter and always putting the pedal to the metal, it’s one of the best things you can do.
You’ll feel better…
And re-energized about your work.
So well worth it.
Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up.
Be back tomorrow with more.
Enjoy your Sunday.
– Justin