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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random…

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1. Making money with an email list is really about selling the same benefits over and over again with a new mechanism

Look at any list in the biz-op niche and you’ll see the exact same thing touted with every offer…

– you can make money quickly

– it’ll be easier than anything else you’ve ever tried

– you don’t have to mess around with x, y and z…

– you can do it in just 15 minutes a day

– it’s already worked for these 50 people (and they’re all less experienced than you)

Every biz-op offer is some version of this…

The only thing that changes is the mechanism to make it happen.

Sometimes it’s affiliate marketing on Facebook…

Other times it’s making Youtube videos…

But the appeal is always the same.

This is really what selling to an email list is.

It’s selling the same appeal over and over again with a new mechanism.

And that applies whether you’re in biz-op, gardening, cooking, coaching, dating or the supplement business…

So if you have a list, keep that in mind…

Alright let’s hop to the second thing on my mind this morning…

2.  Harvard’s data on what makes people happy says it’s not money, fame or even your health that’s most important, it’s how close your relationships are

This topic has come up on a lot of podcasts that I listen to lately.

Basically Harvard has been running a study since 1938 studying what makes people happy…

And they discovered that the closeness of your relationships is the #1 predictor as to whether you’re happy or not.

So someone that’s a loner, and doesn’t have many close relationships will be less happy…

And someone who has a couple tight-knit relationships with people they really care about, will be a lot happier.

Which is not that surprising when you think about how we evolved. 

We’re social animals…

And most of our evolution we lived in groups, and had lots of social connection.

So it makes sense that it would be important…

However, it’s pretty shocking to see that being lonely has as negative of an impact on you as smoking or alcoholism does. 

I was not expecting that.

But either way the data is stressing that we should put more focus on having QUALITY relationships in our life.

Lots of “thin” relationships with people on Instagram doesn’t cut it.

You need deeper connection.

I’m gonna put more focus on that myself…

So I hope you do as well.

Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning (which is also tied in with connection)…

3. I recently started walking dogs at the Austin Animal Shelter, and it’s been a very emotional, but also incredibly rewarding experience

If you’ve read my emails for a while, you know I have a big soft spot for dogs.

I used to have two Great Danes who were my best buds…

And I’ve spent a lot of time writing copy for dog rescues to help them fundraise so they can save more dogs.

One thing I always struggled  with when it came to writing fundraising letters was that I KNEW it was extremely helpful to the rescue, but I didn’t feel any connection to it.

I simply sat at home, wrote the letter, and then after they sent it out, they’d email me a few weeks later and let me know how much money it brought in.

That was the whole deal.

I wasn’t actually meeting the dogs…

Or even interacting with the people who work at the shelter. 

So I didn’t feel much connection. 

I was at an arm’s distance from the whole thing.

So recently I decided I wanted to get more involved with a dog rescue in person…

So I started poppin’ in to the Austin Animal Shelter a few times a week and walking the dogs.

Which has been very rewarding so far.

Most of the the dogs I walk spend their entire day in a cage.

So when they see me come in and grab a leash, they get all excited.

Their tails start wagging…

And they’re jumping all over the place…

And once we’re outside, they’re rolling in the grass, basking in the sun, and enjoying their freedom.

It’s awesome to see.

And like I said, it’s been incredibly rewarding for me.

So I’m gonna keep it up.

Point being…

If you don’t have something in your life that lights you up emotionally, it’s worth searching for.

Cause it can instantly make you happier…

And give you a sense of fulfillment…

So I highly recommend it.

Alright I need to wrap this up…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.