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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1. If you do the exact same thing as everyone else, how do you expect to stand out?

Yesterday I shared a story about Tanner (one of my original copy mentees) and how he went from working in a mall to making over $300k a year as a copywriter.

And as a result of that email, I got a FLOOD of replies from copywriters asking me if I’ll mentor them just like I mentored Tanner.

I’m not gonna knock the hustle for the people that emailed me and asked (good on them for trying)…

But the reality is that I got 40+ replies to that email all asking the exact same thing.

So if you are truly serious about getting me to be your copy mentor, do you think replying to an email is the best approach?


Cause you didn’t stand out at all.

You blended in with the other 40 people asking the same question.

And to me that shows you’re not actually serious about having me as a mentor, because you didn’t think it through.

You just fired off an email in the hopes that it would work. 

If it was really important to you, you would give it real thought, and figure out a unique way to stand out and get my attention. 

Which is a good lesson to learn…

If you want to blend in, then feel free to do the same things that everyone else is doing.

But if you want to stand out, then you can’t do that. 

You have to create your own path.

Let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  History always repeats itself, so don’t be so quick to say “that can’t happen again” or “that won’t happen in my country”

If you look back on history, humans tend to do the same things over and over again…

– they invade other countries

– government’s try to take power away from the people they represent

– banks fail

– there’s rallies to silence free speech that someone doesn’t agree with

– the economy goes into a recession (or worse a depression)

– certain groups of people are killed in mass genocides

– Viruses and bacteria spread like crazy

– technology improves and wipes out entire job sectors

All this stuff has gone on throughout history.

And it will continue to go on.


Because human beings haven’t changed.

We’re still driven by power, sex and tribalism. 

And we’re always looking out for our own best interest.

So the next time someone tells you “that can’t happen now”, you should think twice about that.

Cause any major event that happened in the past, is bound to happen again at some point.

Call me a cynic…

But that is reality. 

Because history always repeats itself.

Alright let’s jump to the last thought on my mind this morning.

3. Youtube has made publishing on Youtube more profitable for some small businesses than actually running their business 

Recently Youtube started showing me time-lapse videos of a guy who pressure washes people’s driveways.

Funny thing is, this guy used to run a business charging people to pressure wash their driveway…

But now he does it for free.


Because he’s making so much money from posting his pressure washing videos to Youtube that he doesn’t need to charge people anymore.

He’s taken what used to be a basic hours-for-dollars job…

And turned it into something that can scale.

So instead of making $1000 to pressure wash someone’s driveway…

He can now wash that same driveway and make $10,000+ from the ad revenue on Youtube. 

Which is pretty fascinating.

Youtube is allowing him to turn something that was previously not scalable, into a scalable business.

And this is happening in a lot of niches like landscaping, cooking, putting on makeup etc…

Which is awesome to see…

And I believe it’s only going to get bigger…

So there’s going to be even more opportunity out there for you to turn normal stuff that you do into a scalable business.

Food for thought…

Alright I need to wrap this baby up.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.