Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first random thing on my mind this morning…
1. The number of virgin men are on the rise
I came across a chart on Twitter this morning that shows the number of men under 30 who have never had sex is quickly rising.

In 2008 it was 8%.
But in 2018 it was 27%.
This is fascinating to me.
You’d think with all the ways that you can meet women today (Tinder, Instagram etc…) that guys would be having more sex.
But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
And I think there’s a few reasons for this…
– I think the top 10% of men are probably having a lot more sex, but the bottom 50% are not. I think social media and dating apps have fueled a lot of this. When women have more choice, and more access to the most desired men, they go for them, and the guys in the bottom half of the mating pool suffer.
– I’m sure the rise in porn, easy access to it, and the quality of it has had an impact. Back in 2008 people were still buying porn on VHS and DVD. The internet has completely changed that.
– The increased scrutiny of men, cancel culture and sexual allegations have made some men weary of dating and putting themselves out there. You can see this frustration on display everyday in the red pill/MGTOW communities.
– I think economic issues have probably played a big part as well. The price of everything is going up. And wages are pretty stagnant. If you’re a young guy struggling to make ends meet, you’re probably not that focused on getting laid.
That’s a few of my thoughts off the top of my head.
I’m not sure if there’s an exact answer here.
But my gut tells me that my first thought (the top 10% of guys are having all the sex) is probably the biggest factor here.
Either way, it’s a fascinating trend.
Alright let’s jump to the next random thing on my mind this morning…
2. You’ll never know if an investment is too much risk for you until you go through a bear market
I remember when I setup my stocks and bonds, I read that someone my age should have about 70% in stocks and 30% in bonds.
But the one caveat they mentioned was that the only true test is how you react when the market drops 30%.
If you panic and sell everything then you probably had too much risk.
This is something you can’t know until it happens.
And everyone is different.
Some people are ok with 100% stocks…
Some people are ok with 60% stocks/40% bonds…
Hell, some people are ok with 100% crypto.
Everyone is different.
And everyone’s risk tolerance is different.
The key here is simply figuring out what you’re comfortable with.
What level of risk lets you sleep at night?
That’s what matters.
Alright let’s do one more this morning…
3. Will we have COVID spikes with states re-opening at full capacity?
Last week Texas allowed all businesses to re-open at full capacity, no masks required.
So bars are back to normal…
People are packed-in talking to each other…
And no one is wearing a mask.
I’m very curious to see if we have a big COVID surge from this…
Or maybe we’re at the point where enough people have been vacinated/infected already, and it’s only a minor blip.
I don’t know the answer to that.
So I’m curious to see how it plays out.
I know Florida has basically been wide-open this whole time, and their numbers don’t look much different from California which has been on strict lockdown.
So I’m curious to see the data.
My gut tells me that it won’t be as big of a spike as people think.
And things will just carry on in Texas.
But the bigger picture is that the results of what happens in Texas could influence what other states do moving forward.
Only time will tell…
But I’m really interested in seeing the data and how it plays out.
Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up…
Time for me to make some breakfast and go for a walk.
Hope you got something out of this.
Enjoy your Sunday.
– Justin