Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just completely random.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning.
1. You can spend as much money as you want on frivolous shit, IF you are still hitting your savings goal
One of the big things I’ve learned from Ramit Sethi is that if you’re hitting your savings goal, you shouldn’t worry about individual expenses.
For example…
Let’s say I make a million dollars this year…
And my business expenses are $300k.
That means I made $700k.
And of that $700k, let’s say $240k of it goes to taxes.
So I’m left with $460k.
Of that $460k, I want to make sure I’m saving a certain percentage every year.
For me, this number is about 30%.
If I save 30% ($138k), I’m happy.
Some years I’ll save more than that…
But overall, if I’m saving 30%, I’m good.
This is why knowing your target savings rate is so important.
And as long as you’re hitting your savings rate, you don’t need to fret over individual expenses.
So if I spend $800 on a dinner, I’m not beating myself up over it.
Or if I splurge on a $500 pair of shoes, I’m not feeling guilty about that either.
As long as I’m hitting my savings number, I’m on the right path.
I highly suggest you get clear on the savings number you want to hit each year.
Cause it’s a game changer…
Alright let’s hop to the 2nd thought on my mind this morning…
2. I can’t comprehend why people get so upset if someone else doesn’t want to have kids
I’ve never had an interest in having kids.
It’s just never appealed to me.
I thought that might change as I got older, but I’m 38 now, and it still doesn’t appeal to me.
I’m open to the idea that my mind might change on that at some point in the future…
But for now, I’m pretty set on not having kids.
Which I’m perfectly ok with.
However, it’s always odd to me how much this upsets some people.
They get visibly angry…
I’ve been called “immature” because of this…
I’ve been called “selfish”…
Which is ironic…
Cause I feel like having kids IF you dont want them is without a doubt the most immature and selfish thing you can do.
Cause you’re gonna mess that kid up.
And set them up to have a shitty life.
Which I’d never want to do.
So I’m content with not having any kids.
But for the life of me, I can’t understand why people get so upset by this.
I mean it really triggers people.
And I don’t understand why.
I’m not sure why me having (or not having) kids has any affect on their life.
But it does.
If you have any ideas WHY you think this upsets people so much, I’d love to hear ’em…
Alright let’s do one more of these…
3. Beware of any coach, mentor or guru that believes you should want the same things that they want
If you asked me 6 years ago “what should people do if they want to make a living online?”… I would have said “have your own offer”.
Because that’s what I was doing at the time…
And I was making a lot of dough because of it.
So I was on cloud 9…
Now that I’m a little older…
A little wiser…
And I’ve helped a bunch of people to create offers, build businesses and become copywriters…
I wouldn’t have the same answer today.
Because I understand that different people want different things.
Some people want to have their own business with $30 mil in revenue and 20+ employees.
Others want to keep it lean and do the solopreneur thing…
And others simply want to make a good living writing copy for clients.
None of these paths are inherently “better” than the others.
They all have their pros and cons.
And what’s a good fit for you, might be a terrible fit for someone else.
Which brings me back to my original point…
If your coach/mentor/advisor isn’t taking what YOU want into consideration…
And they simply believe you should want the same things that they want…
You should be wary.
Cause they are putting their success before your success.
Read that again if you have to.
If someone believes you should want the same things that they want…
Then they care more about their success than they do about your success.
And that’s not the kind of person you want advising you.
The relationship should never be about THEM.
It should be about them helping you to get the business or career that YOU want.
That’s the goal.
So they need to put their ego aside…
And focus on helping you get what you want.
Make sense?
I hope so.
Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.
Hope ya got a nugget or two from this.
Enjoy your Sunday…
– Justin
Note: tomorrow is the last day to apply for the 8-week copywriting mentorship that Stefan Georgi and I are running.
If you haven’t applied yet, you can fill out an app here.