Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.
Sometimes these things are about business…
Sometimes they’re about life…
And other times they’re just truly random.
So with that said…
Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning…
1. I recently switched back to a stand-up desk for work and I’m loving it
For the last 3 years or so, I’ve just been working from my kitchen table.
Which I enjoy…
However I feel like it made my posture go to shit.
I’m always hunched over…
And looking down…
And that was causing me some neck pain and tight muscles in my chest.
So I recently got a stand-up desk built for my office.
Here’s a pic of it…
I’ve been using it for about three weeks now…
And I can already tell that my hips and back feel better.
They’re not so tight…
And my posture just feels better throughout the day.
I’m still playing around with some ideas for the desk (mostly with what to stand on), but overall I’m really digging the stand up desk.
Alright let’s jump to the second thing on my mind this morning…
2. Status is the trump card when it comes to getting hired as a copywriter
Let’s say you have two copywriters of similar skill level, who both charge $10k to write a sales letter.
One of the copywriters is pretty well known – she’s always on podcasts, speaks at events, and is dishing out advice in Facebook groups…
The other copywriter we’re looking at is a quiet guy. He keeps to himself, and doesn’t really do much to get his name out there.
Who do you think will be hired more often?
The first one will, hands down.
Because part of getting hired is that people have to know who you are.
And if 1000 people know who you are (as opposed to 100 people) you have a better chance of getting hired.
This is all about status (and attention).
The highest paid copywriters have a lot of status.
And that doesn’t happen by accident.
Most of them do things under the radar that create this status.
If you’re interested in upping your status to make more moolah as a copywriter, I’m gonna dig into this topic (and a lot more) next month for the “Double Your Copywriting Income” challenge that Stefan Georgi and I will be hosting.
We’re fleshing out the details of the challenge now…
But we’ll have more info for ya in a few weeks.
Stay tuned.
Alright let’s do one more of these and then wrap it up.
3. I don’t have the greatest relationship with my mom, so mother’s day has always been a bag of mixed emotions for me
About 3 years ago, I made a decision to distance myself from my mom.
Because I was 35 years old, and she was still trying to control my life.
She was always telling me what to do…
And then guilting me for not doing the things she wanted…
This wasn’t anything new.
She’s always been like this.
When I was a kid, she was the puppet-master, and I was the puppet.
So I was constantly trying to please her…
Which was an impossible task…
But I still tried.
Anyways, a few years ago after some work with my coach, Brent, I decided to put some distance between myself and my mom.
So I cut back on how often I talked to her.
Instead of once a week, now it’s probably once every six weeks.
I also started to be more firm with her whenever she crossed my boundaries.
I told her that it wasn’t ok.
And that I’m a grown man, she doesn’t need to tell me what to do.
This of course did not go over well with her.
She immediately gave me a big guilt trip…
And cried about how she sacrificed so much for me to have a good life…and couldn’t believe this is how I’m treating her.
Which I knew was coming…
This is her typical playbook.
But this time I just ignored it.
I told her I appreciated everything her and my dad did for me…
But that doesn’t give her the right to try and control my life.
Like I said this all happened a few years ago…
And since then I feel like my life is a lot better with her at a distance.
She’s shown over and over again that she can’t have a relationship with me that isn’t about control.
So until she can do that…
I’m just going to interact with her in small increments.
It sucks that I have to do this…
And I wish we could have a good relationship…
But that would involve her changing…
And I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
So for now, it’s just what it is.
Thought I’d share this today, cause whenever I see all the lovey-dovey mother’s day posts on social media, it always hits me that I don’t have the same feeling.
And I know I’m not the only one.
A lot of people have strained relationships with their mothers.
So if you’re in a similar situation…
Hopefully that helps ya not feel so left out on a day like today.
Alright I’m gonna wrap this up…
Hope you got a nugget or two from this.
Enjoy your Sunday.
– Justin