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On Sunday mornings I like to share 3 random thoughts with you…

Sometimes these thoughts are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing that’s on my mind this Sunday morning…

1.  Investing has a lot of ups and downs, but in the end it usually reverts to the mean

I was looking at my Vanguard account this weekend and noticed that since I started investing, my ROI is 9.5%.

And that 9.5% happened despite a lot of ups and downs…

For example, when COVID hit, the market dropped like 30% and my portfolio was looking quite small.

But then a few months later, the government pumped trillions of dollars into the economy and the market ripped for the rest of 2020.

So I’ve seen swings as big as 35%…

And felt a lot of excitement, fear and panic…

But in the end, my ROI has averaged 9.5%.

Which is basically the average return for an index fund.

So even though there’s a lot of ups and downs (and a lot of emotion that goes with those ups and downs) things usually revert to the mean in the end with investing.

That’s a good reminder to keep in the back of your head if you tend to panic…

Let’s hop to the 2nd thing on my mind this morning…

2. It’s easy to see other’s mistakes, but we all have blindspots with our own business

I’m a huge fan of getting a “fresh set of eyes” on my business.


Because I know I have blind spots.

I overthink things…

And complicate things that don’t need to be so complicated. 

Sometimes I’ll even miss very obvious opportunities that are right in front of me.

I can tell ya from experience, this happens to everyone in business.

When you’re in your business every single day…

You’re too close to things…

So it’s hard to see the obvious issues and opportunities that are there.

This is why I’m such a big fan of getting “fresh eyes” on my business.

I want someone who can come in with no bias…

Someone who objective…

And who can tell me what I’m not seeing.

If you have a business, I’d highly suggest finding someone like this.

It’ll be worth it’s weight in gold.

Alright let’s hop to the 3rd thing on my mind this morning.

3. You need to be aware of the image you’re projecting everytime you’re online

After the 2020 election there was a big, public spat on Facebook between Billy Gene (a well known marketer) and another guru who was refusing to pay Billy $10,000 that he owed him from a bet they made on the election.  

I forget the other guys name at this point, but what was interesting was how childish this guy’s behavior was on Facebook.

He was getting called out on his Facebook page for not paying Billy the $10k he owed…

So he went on a rampage and lashed out at everyone that was calling him out.

Keep in mind this guy is like 50 years old…

And he has a business that’s all about “mindset and success”.

Yet, here he is on Facebook acting like a little kid who just got put in timeout.

I remember when all this was going down, I made a mental note that no matter how good the opportunity was, I’d never work with this guy on anything.


Cause he showed his true colors.

He refused to pay a guy that he owed money to…

And when he got called out on it, instead of being a man and admitting his mistake, he threw a hissy fit.

So based on that…

I have no interest in ever being associated with this guy.

I don’t want to JV with him…

I don’t want to speak at an event with him…

And here’s the thing…

All of my feelings about this guy stemmed from things he was voluntarily posting on Facebook.

Nobody forced him to do this.

He could have handled it in private.

But he chose to go crazy on a public website where everyone got to see just how unhinged he is.

And there’s a good lesson in there…

What you post on Facebook and Instagram and everywhere else is seen by a lot of people.

And those people are forming opinions of you based on what you post.

If you’re using Facebook as your personal therapist…

Or posting political rants…

Or just generally acting like a little kid…

People will notice.

So I’d highly encourage you to think twice about what you let people see online. 

Cause people are forming opinions about who you are based on what you post whether you like it or not.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning. 

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.