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Every Sunday I like to share 3 things that are on my mind with you.

Sometimes these things are about copy…

Sometimes they’re about business…

And other times they’re just about random things in life.

So with that said…

Let’s hop to the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  The biggest advantage in business is understanding your customer better than everyone else

Here’s something to think about…

You can compete with people who have more money than you…

Bigger teams than you…

Even better copywriters than you…

If you simply understand your customer better than they do.

It’s the biggest cheat-code out there.

Yet most people (including me) don’t put nearly enough time into understanding who their customer is and what they really want.

So if you want a simple way to get ahead…

And to beat your competition…

Put more effort into talking to your customers and figuring out what they really want…

Let’s hop to the 2nd thought on my mind this morning…

2. Being consistent is the hardest thing in the world, but it’s what produces results

Here’s a few things I always try to be consistent about…

– writing an email to my list each day

– working out 3 days a week

– walking 7500+ steps each day

– staying off my phone after 7 PM

– hitting the sauna 4-5 days a week

– getting some sun each day

Now none of these things are particularly hard…

So it’s not the actual task that’s tough…

It’s being consistent that’s tough.

And that’s a very valuable lesson.

Cause consistency is probably the most boring thing in the world…

But it’s what produces results…

If you write day after day…

Or you workout week after week…

It adds up. 

And you start to see the results you want.

So simply put, consistency trumps all.

I know that’s not sexy…

Or earth shattering…

But if you care about results, it’s all about consistency.

Alright let’s hop to the last thing on my mind this morning…

3. If you want to get to the next level with your business, you need to be around people who see your potential better than you do

Here’s a common thing I see…

A copywriter starts doing well and they’re making $10k or $20k a month…

They do that for a few years…

And suddenly they get the itch to start their own business…

They start thinking “I could make a lot more money if I had my own thing”…

So they ponder it…

But they don’t pull the trigger.


Cause they don’t think they’re ready.

They think they need more experience…

Or that they need to get a few more wins under their belt…

But here’s the thing…

90% of the time they could do it, but they don’t see their own potential.

They just see who they currently are.

Not who they could be…

However if this copywriter asked someone who was 2 steps ahead of them what they should do, they’d probably get a very different answer. 

Cause that person would see their potential…

And they’d see that they’re destined for bigger things.

This is why you need to be around people who see your potential better than you do.

It’s hard to see your own potential…

But if you ask someone who’s ahead of you, and who’s been in your shoes before…

They’ll be able to see it…

And they’ll be able to show you how to get to the next level.

So I highly suggest you put yourself in rooms with people who see your potential better than you can.

You can obviously do this on your own…

And find people that you vibe with…


If you want to be in a room with me…

You can apply for one of the final two spots at the Sayulita mastermind I’m hosting this December with Dan Ferrari.

It’s 6-days of surfing, eating good food, and me and Dan working with you 1-on-1 to help you get the business and the life that you want.  

So it’s a unique experience…

And we only have two spots left…

So if that interests you…

Simply give the event page a read and see if the mastermind if a fit for you. 

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.