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I made a post on Instagram the other day about the ugly realities of being an entrepreneur.

Let’s look at a few of those realities…

– You constantly doubt yourself

I flip back and forth between feeling like I have it all figured out, and feeling like I’m missing something that everyone else knows. 

I don’t think I’m alone in this.

Most entrepreneurs are learning as they go.

So it’s pretty normal to doubt yourself and to feel like you don’t understand what’s going on.

Let’s look at another one…

– Even if you’re successful,  you won’t get much recognition

If you’re looking for recognition for what you’ve donee, this is not the place to try and get it.

I’ve built four different multi-million dollar businesses in my career.

I’ve helped hundreds (if not thousands) of entrepreneurs and copywriters to make more money.

Yet I’ve never gotten much recognition for that.

Ive had a few articles in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine about me.

But that’s about it.

Which is fine.  

I understand that now.

But 25 year-old Justin didn’t really get that.

I thought making a bunch of money and building successful businesses would come with a lot more.

It doesn’t.

So that’s a good reminder that you need to actually enjoy what you’re doing.

Cause if you’re doing it for the recognition…

You’ll be disappointed.

Let’s do one more of these…

– if you work by yourself (like a copywriter or solopreneur) it can be an incredibly lonely journey

This is probably the one that gets talked about the least.

But being an entrepreneur can be incredibly lonely.

On Instagram, it looks like your life is nothing but parties, expensive dinners and good times.

But the reality of what goes on Mon-Fri is very different.

Usually you spend a lot of time alone.

Which as an introvert, I enjoy.

But even I need a good dose of human interaction.

8 hours a day on the computer, talking to the wall can get a little lonely.

Some people simply can’t handle this.

They need more excitement…

More energy…

But this is the reality of being an entrepreneur.

There are a lot of lonely moments.

Times where you feel like you’re in this all by yourself.

That is one of the ugly realities.

And it’s one that doesn’t get talked about much.

Which is why I wanted to write this.

Hopefully a few of these connected with you.

And you realize that what you’re feeling is similar to what I feel as well.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Monday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.