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One of the things Dan Kennedy used to always preach is that “money loves speed”.


Cause if you can write copy faster…

Or test your offer quicker…

Or get your email campaign out sooner…

You’ll make a lot more dough than if you take your grand ole’ time.


Most people are not “speedy” by nature.

Most people take three weeks to do research…

Or three months to write copy…

That’s not what you want.

What you want is to get stuff done quickly…

That way you can test it…

And see the results…

Obviously getting a lot faster with your copy, or your research, or pumping out offers is not easy…

If it was, everyone would do it…


Recently my friend Rich Schefren was able to put together his research, a sales page, email copy, and even a sales video in just 5 days…

Literally… 5 days.


Well it wasn’t cause he was trying harder…

Or locking himself in a room and forcing himself to work…

His secret?

He leveraged the power of AI. 

By leaning into AI, he was able to whip up an entire offer in just 5 days including…

Mountains of research…

A dialed-in sales page…

Emails to promote the offer…

Great looking graphics for the sales page…

And even a mini sales video complete with AI video and voiceover…

It’s pretty impressive

You can see the whole thing for yourself here.

What’s even cooler is that Rich recorded the entire process of how he did it.

That way you can see how it works…

And you can use it yourself.

So if that floats your boat…

I suggest checking out the “5 Day AI Sprint” right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.