Take a look at these 7 pieces of paper sitting next to my laptop…

Each one is an old-school ad.
They were all written in the 80s and 90s…
And they were written by legendary copywriters like Gary Halbert, Mel Martin and Joe Karbo.
So why are these next to my laptop?
They’re chocked full of ideas…
Ideas for subject lines…
Ideas for email angles…
Ideas for benefits to hit on…
It’s all in there.
I don’t need to waste hours and hours coming up with things to write about.
I can just read these ads…
And I’ll have dozens of new ideas to write about.
Which is why pretty much every top-level copywriter has swipes like this…
It’s because ads like this are like a cheat sheet for knowing exactly what to say in your subject lines, emails, bullets and more.
It makes writing a lot easier…
And it also improves your copy…
So it’s a win-win.
And that brings me to the entire point of this email.
I’ve been telling you for the last week about the Copy Legends swipe file that’s on sale right now.
It’s loaded with 1,749 ads from the greatest copywriters of all time like Halbert, Bencivenga, Makepeace, Kennedy, Karbo, Suarez, Schwartz and more…
Well, today is the last day to get the Copy Legends swipe file at a discount.
After 11:59 PM CT tonight, it jumps in price from $297 to $497.
So if you want to get your hands on it…
I wouldn’t wait much longer.
Cause if you miss the deadline tonight…
You’ll have to pay full price (no exceptions).
So if you’ve been eyeing this all week, and waiting til the last minute to pick it up…
Consider this your last warning.
Cause it goes back to $497 tonight.
So if that piques your interest…
I suggest you check out all 1,749 ads in this massive collection, and grab yourself a copy at the discounted price right here.
And I really hope you get it…
There’s a reason I bought this course myself (with my own money).
It’s cause it makes writing emails, subject lines and coming up with new ideas a whole lot easier.
Again, the discounted price expires at 11:59 PM CT tonight.
So I wouldn’t dilly dally.
Here’s the link again…
-> Last day to pick up this massive swipe file at a $200 discount