Tomorrow afternoon I’m hosting a private Zoom call for copywriters where I’ll show you the 9 biggest reasons you’re not getting the kind of copywriting clients you want.
So if you want better paying clients…
The kind that are easy to deal with…
And who will write you checks for $5k, $10k and even $20k per project…
Then this call is for you.
On the call I’m going to cover…
– the #1 reason copywriters don’t get hired when applying for gigs
– the best place to land high-paying copy jobs (you’ll actually be able to talk to a decision maker, and not be ignored if you do this)
– why trying to convince a client they need copy is the worst thing you can do
– a simple change you can make that will make your copy stand out from every other copywriter applying for the same gigs
– the biggest mistake copywriters make when sending samples to a potential client (if you get this wrong, 90% of the time you will not get hired)
– exactly what you should say (and should not say) in a pitch email to a potential client
– plus much, much more…
I’m going to be sharing all of this with you tomorrow on the private Zoom call.
It starts at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.
I will try to record the call for people who can’t make it…
But if you can make it live, I suggest you do.
My Zoom account only holds 500 people.
So if you want a spot on the call, make sure you register now so you get a spot.
I’ll see ya tomorrow at 2 ET/11 PT.
-> 9 reasons you’re not getting the copy clients you want
– Justin