This email is not for everyone.
In fact…
I’d say it’s not for 99% of my list.
Cause it’s only for “doers”…
And for people who take action…
Here’s the deal…
Last summer I hosted a small 2-day consulting session at my house in Austin…
At that session were two guys who were eager to get my help with their business…
The first guy was Francis Nayan (who helps nomad copywriters with their copy careers)…
And the second guy was Phil Duncan (who helps fiction authors to sell more of their books)…
During the two days I worked with these guys…
I dug into every aspect of their business…
I helped them dial-in their front-ends so they could add 100+ new people to their list each day…
I helped them simplify their backend offers so they could make the most money with the least amount of work…
I also went through individual emails they sent to their list, and showed them how to add better stories to their emails so their emails would make more sales…
It was an intense two days.
And we capped it all off by hitting Perry’s (my favorite steakhouse in Austin) and enjoying some authentic A-5 wagyu steak together.
So not only was it a productive two days…
But it was a good time as well.
And here’s the best part…
Since we all met last summer, both Phil and Francis have seen some big jumps in their businesses…
Phil launched a new app to his email list based on what I taught him and that app pulled in a little over $35,000 in sales for him during his recent launch…
And then Francis added a new coaching offer and put more focus on building his list since the session.. This has made his monthly income jump from $13,500 a month to around $27,000 a month.
So both guys are getting results…
And honestly there’s a lot more good stuff to come for both of them.
Which brings me to why I’m writing to you today.
Here’s the deal…
I am considering doing another 2-day consulting session like this at my house in Austin next month.
This wont be like a normal event where there are presentations and scripted talks.
This is a hands-on workshop…
So I’ll be rolling up my sleeves and digging into the most important parts of your business such as…
Building your email list…
Creating the perfect offers to sell to your list…
Dialing-in your email copy so you can make the most sales possible…
I’ll dig into all that…
And then I’ll give you 1-on-1 feedback…
And show you exactly what you need to change or tweak in order for you to make a lot more moolah…
That’s the whole deal.
It’s very hands on…
And like I said, this is only for “doers”.
It’s not for dreamers…
And it’s not for people who don’t implement…
So if that appeals to you…
And you’re interested in getting my hands-on help with your business for two whole days…
Simply reply to this email and say “I’m interested”.
In the past I’ve charged as much as $35,000 for a single consulting day.
This workshop won’t be that expensive…
But it won’t be cheap either.
However if you’re serious about building a bigger list…
And making significantly more moolah from your list…
Then this is for you.
All you gotta do is reply to this email and say “I’m interested”.
If there’s enough interest, I’ll send more info your way tomorrow…
– Justin