Note: This is email #3 in a series on the biggest copy tips I’ve learned from Stefan Georgi (the guy I consider the #1 copywriter in the world right now)
Back in 2010 when I was creating my first Clickbank product, I had a bad habit of writing my sales copy as if I was talking to an audience.
For example…
I’d say things like…
“We all know that getting in shape isn’t as easy as it used to be”
“How many of you have struggled with going to the gym?”
You see what I’m doing here?
I’m writing to a group.
And not to one person.
And this is a big mistake.
Cause copy should feel personal.
It should feel like you’re talking to someone 1-on-1.
And if you study any piece of copy that Stefan Georgi writes, you’ll see him do this brilliantly.
For example here’s a bit of copy from his anti-aging offer that I shared with you yesterday…
Do you see how this copy makes it feel like he’s talking specifically to YOU?
Almost every sentence has the word “you” or “your” in it.
So it feels very personal.
It doesn’t feel like he’s talking to a group.
It feels like it was written just for you.
And that’s important.
Good copy feels like it was written for you.
It should feel personal.
It should feel 1-on-1.
You don’t want your copy to feel generic.
Or like you’re talking to a group of people.
It’s all about talking to one person.
This is one of the oldest copy lessons in the book…
But even good copywriters get away from this.
And their copy doesn’t feel as personal.
But if you read the copy Stefan wrote above, you can see how personal his copy feels.
And that’s what you want.
So keep that in mind…
– Justin
P.S. – If you haven’t checked out Stefan’s copywriting course yet, you are missing out.
He shows you the step-by-step process he’s used to sell over $700 million worth of products online.
It’s pretty amazing how he turned all this knowledge into a system that allows even newbie copywriters to write winning copy.
I don’t recommend a lot of things, but RMBC gets my highest approval.
You can check it out and see what’s it all about right here.