Many years ago I was listening to a Dan Kennedy course and he mentioned that every person has at least one thing that they spend “stupid amounts of money on”.
For example…
You could be the most frugal guy on the block…
Never throwing out leftovers…
Only buying wine that’s less than $5…
But when it comes to guns, you might have an entire safe full of $1500 guns that are your prized possessions.
So you’re frugal with everything in your life…
But with guns, you don’t think twice about what they cost.
I know for myself, things like masterminds, coaching programs and consulting I will spend a lot of money without thinking twice.
I’m in the Titans mastermind which is $20,000 a year.
I have a health coach who I pay $18,000 a year for.
I spend $45,000 a year to work with my coach/therapist, Brent Charleton.
My biz partner Stefan Georgi and I have already spent around $53,000 this year on consulting to help us with Copy Accelerator.
These are purchases I don’t even think about.
I don’t hem and haw over them for days.
I just write the check and it’s done.
Cause anything to do with improving my business is an area that I spend freely (mostly because I see the ROI it brings me).
And like I said every person has something like this that they’ll spend stupid amounts of money on.
Golfers buy new clubs and gadgets like clockwork.
Women buy new beauty and skincare products every week.
Men will spend more money on their watch collection than they will on their car.
Women will have 14 perfectly good purses and bags, and buy another 3.
Like I said, everyone does this.
So a big question for you to think about is…
How can I find the buyers who will spend stupid amounts of money on the stuff that I sell?
Where are those people at?
What are they like?
What else are they buying?
These are the questions you want to ask.
Cause the more of these people you can pull into your world…
The better your customers will be.
Keep that in mind.
– Justin