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I tend to struggle with being thankful for the good things in my life.

My “default setting” is to just see all the bad stuff.

With that said…

Here’s a few things I AM thankful for this year.

1.  You – I’m thankful for you opening and reading my emails each day.  My entire business would not exist without this email list. And I truly enjoy writing this email every morning.  I’m a marketing nerd at heart, so if you keep reading each day, I’ll keep writing.

2.  All of the members of Copy Accelerator, CA LITE and the Justin Goff Marketing Letter.  I get emails regularly that being a part of these groups is like being a part of a “family”.  It’s just different from other stuff out there.  That’s very rewarding to see.  And I’m thankful that you’re choosing to be a part of it. 

3. Seeing the transformations of so many people I’ve helped with their business or copy career.  This is probably the most rewarding thing for me.  Seeing someone like John Robb go from nothing to a copywriter making $12k a month has been awesome.  Seeing an offer owner like Teddy T. scale his offer to 2000+ buyers a day is amazing. Or Jeremy Reeves who left his cushy copywriting gigs and started his own offer which did over a million in sales in the first month. This is the kind of stuff that fires me up and pushes me to keep helping.    

4.  The wonderful ladies of Copy Accelerator who have forever changed the vibe of the group.  It’s no secret that Copy Accelerator was a “boys club” when it started.  But our last event had more women than ever.  And Stefan and I both remarked how the vibe was so much better.  People like Sam Novak, Areeba Ahmed, Kimi Du, Gurleen Singh,  Sabah Karimi, Kate Aseltine, Maria Sparagis and more have brought an entirely different vibe to our group and I’m loving it. 

5.  My coach, Brent Charleton – I would not be able to do what I’m doing now without Brent’s help.  Seriously.  I would be an awful leader, coach and business partner without his help.  I look back on the guy I was 3 years ago when we started working together and just kind of laugh.  I was angry, arrogant and I had no idea how to work with people.  I’ll be forever thankful for Brent’s wisdom when it comes to my business and my life.

6.  All the good times I had with George and Dempsey.  I had to put both my dogs down in the last 18 months which was rough.  They were my best buds for 10 years.  So going from a house with 2 great danes to an empty house has been a big change. I miss ’em all the time.  But I’m also thankful for all the joy they brought me over their lives.

7.  A great group of friends in Austin – When I moved to Austin four years ago, my first year was a struggle.  I only had a few friends, so I wound up spending a lot of time by myself.  Over the last few years, I’ve had other friends move here, I’ve made new friends, and I’ve made deeper friendships with the friends I already have.  Now I feel like I have a pretty awesome friend group.  Which is not that common for someone in their mid 30’s. So it’s something I’m super thankful for.

8.  The hard lessons I had this year – My plan starting the year was to work less and to be more social.  I wanted to focus less on my business and more on dating and finding the right partner for me.  Well COVID threw a huge wrench in those plans.  And everything I had planned was thrown out the window.  And as much as that sucked, there’s a part of me that was thankful for it.  Cause after spending 3-4 months locked down and not doing much of anything, I realized how much I do love being out and socializing (which is rare for someone as introverted as me).  I really missed the human connection.  So I’m thankful for the pandemic showing me that.

So there ya go…

That’s a few things I’m thankful for.

Whatever you’re up to today, I hope it’s a good day for you.


–  Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.