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Every Sunday I like to talk about 3 random things on my mind.

Sometimes these are business things…

Sometimes it’s stuff going on in the world…

And other times, it’s just completely random shit.

With that said…

Let’s dive in.

1.  As you grow, you might need to shed some of the people around you

Back in high school, one of my good friends was a guy named Jeremy, who was like a brother to me.

We were always goofing around in art class together…

We went to football games together…

After highschool, be both went to Ohio State and were roomates for a few years.  

Jeremy was an interesting guy because on one hand he could be the most loyal and helpful friend ever…

The kind of guy that would help me no matter what kind of situation I was in.

But on the other hand, he could also do some really shady shit.  Like the time he borrowed $600 from me and then lied to me non-stop about being able to pay me back.

Back in 2015 or so, I finally had a falling out with Jeremy (over money he borrowed from me).

It was the last straw for me.

Honestly I haven’t thought about the guy in 4-5 years, but yesterday he popped into my mind for some reason.   

I remember back in 2015 thinking it was a big loss, that I wouldn’t be friends with him anymore.

But that hasn’t been the case.

Sometimes as you grow, and you level up, you need to shed some of the people around you.

You’re changing…

So what was a good fit for you 5 years ago, might not be a good fit for you now.

Alright, let’s jump into the next one…

2.  If you don’t know how to acquire customers, you don’t know how to run a business

About a month ago, this girl from LA was in Austin who was raising money for her start-up.

It was a start-up all about mushrooms.

And her goal was to be the “Amazon of mushrooms”.

Initially it would be focused on mushrooms for health-related products.

But the long term goal would be to own the space once psychadelic mushrooms become legal across more states (like they just did in Oregon).

That part caught my attention.

Cause I believe the healing aspects of things like mushrooms and MDMA on mental health issues is going to be huge.

So I was intrigued by her start-up…

However when we sat down to have lunch, I asked her a very simple question…

“What’s your plan for acquiring customers?”

Her answer…

“Well we haven’t really thought about that part yet.  We’ll probably hire an agency to help, maybe do content about mushrooms”

This was a huge red flag for me.

Cause if you don’t know anything about customer acquisition, you’re screwed.

It’s the heart and soul of a business.

But here she was raising $1.5 million dollars without any idea of how to get a customer.

I never ended up investing in her company.

And probably never will (even though I like the idea).

Moral of the story is that if you can’t acquire customers, your time as an entrepreneur will be short-lived.

Alright, let’s hop to my last Sunday morning thought.

3.  I need to find a form of cardio that I enjoy

For the last few months, I’ve been doing heavy strength training 3x per week.

Which has been awesome.

My lifts are all going up…

I’m getting stronger.

But I know I need to be doing some type of cardio. 

At least twice a week.

Once in a while I’ll play basketball (like I’m doing today).

Other times I’ll play pickleball (but I’m not consistent with it).

Most forms of cardio, like running, I avoid like the plague. 

So I’m trying to find something I can do twice a week.

Pickleball and basketball might be the best options.

If you’re like me and you struggle with doing cardio…

I’d be curious to hear what has worked for you.

Have you found something you enjoy?

If so, let me know.

I’m looking for ideas.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.