My email yesterday about “focusing on one thing until you’re good at it” seemed to hit home for a lot of copywriters so I want to expand on it.
Here’s the deal…
If you’re new to the copywriting game…
And you want to write better copy…
The worst thing you can do is try to learn a bunch of different stuff at once.
Cause it will be too confusing.
You’ll get overwhelmed.
And none of it will really sink in.
So six months from now you’ll be in the same spot you’re in today.
Which is not what you want.
The solution to this is a singular focus.
This is something I never had when I was first starting out.
And it’s why it took me 3-4 years to finally make good money online.
I went from SEO to PPC to affiliate marketing…
I just hopped from one thing to the next.
And I was never GREAT at any of them.
Now contrast that to a few of the guys I’ve mentored (like Tanner and Alec) and let’s look at their progress.
Both of them focused solely on email copy.
Nothing else.
I didn’t let them write sales pages…
I didn’t let them write Facebook ads…
It was 100% email copy.
And their task was simple…
Write 3 emails per day until you’re good enough to start taking on clients.
By following this plan, both guys were able to get their first client within 4 months.
Then after that they added another client.
Eventually after about 12 months, both were on pace to make 6-figures writing email copy.
And there’s an important lesson here.
And that’s when you’re just getting started, your focus has to be on ONE thing.
Not two…
Not three…
ONE thing.
Too many people make the mistake of setting out to learn email copy, and then a month later they’re writing sales pages or buying a course on Facebook ads.
I can tell you from experience that doesn’t work.
You don’t need variety.
You need to focus on ONE thing until you’re good at it.
That’s the key.
The more you dilute your focus, the more you’re going to struggle.
So again…
If you’re new to copywriting…
Or you’re just getting your feet wet…
Pick your ONE thing and stick to it until you’re good at it.
You’ll be glad you did.
– Justin