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“F*ck everyone else, I can do this myself”

When I was 25, I believed I didn’t need anyone’s  help to be successful.

I thought I could do it on my own.

In fact, I took pride in the fact that I didn’t need any help.

I wasn’t kissing a bunch of affiliate’s asses begging them to mail for me.

I wasn’t paying for a coach…

I was figuring it out on my own.

And I wore that like a badge of honor.

I thought it made me “better” than the other entrepreneurs in our space.

I wasn’t weak and relying on anyone else..

When I look back on this kind of thinking now…

11 years older…

And 11 years wiser…

I realize just how stupid it was.

My stubborness to do everything on my own held me back for years.

It’s why I struggled early on.

It’s why I went down a bunch of different roads with ads, SEO and copy that never amounted to anything.

It’s also why it took me nearly 4 years to break the 6-figure mark.

Now compare what I did to someone who doesn’t try to do it on their own… 

Someone who gets help right from the start…

Like my former copy cub, Tanner Henkel, who went from folding clothes at Abercrombie to now making a healthy 6-figures between writing copy and running his own offer.

Or Steve Gunn who went from having a floundering CBD offer to now doing over 1000 sales a day with that same offer.

Or Blake Crothers who launched his first dating offer this past year, and is already sucessfully scaling it on Facebook traffic.

I look at these guys, and I’m jealous.

I’m jealous of how QUICKLY they got results.

And how they didn’t have to deal with all the frustration and dead-end roads I went down when I was younger.

These guys did it right.

They simply learned from people like Stefan Georgi and I who had already done it…

And it’s why they were able to scale offers…

And write winning copy very quickly.

They were able to short-cut the process that I took.

And this is something you should do as well.

Whether you’re a newbie copywriter…

Or you have an offer doing 7 or 8 figures…

Learning from someone who has already done what you want to do is worth it’s weight in gold.

It saves you a ton of money…

And a lot of headaches…

And it helps get you to your goal a whole lot faster.

Now, I’ve been telling you the last few days about  our upcoming Copy Accelerator Virtual Event that’s happening in February.

Well this event is a perfect example of shortcutting the process so you can get to your goal faster.

Cause my partner Stefan Georgi and I will be revealing all of our best secrets for writing copy that brings in 200, 500 and even 1000 buyers a day.

We’ll be talking about high-converting ads…

VSL’s that bring in 1000’s of sales a day…

And even hidden AOV boosters that most businesses are missing out on…

And along with all the tactics…

You also get to mingle with the “who’s who” of the direct response world.

I’m talking about companies like VShred, Native Path, PaleoHacks, Agora, Performance Golf, Blink Publishing, Credit Secrets, Truegenics and more…

They’ll all be at the event as well.

And many of them are WILLING to help you.

So instead of taking 3 years like I did to finally figure this stuff out…

You can short-cut that process.

So if that appeals to you…

I highly suggest applying for one of the sit-in seats at our upcoming virtual Copy Accelerator event.

Most of the seats are already reserved for our mastermind members…

However we have a handful of sit-in seats at the event that we are selling.

So if you’re a copywriter…

Or an offer owner…

Or even a media buyer…

This event will be right up your alley.

So I suggest snagging one of those sit-in seats if you qualify.

Like I said at the beginning of this email, learning from people who have already done what you want to do is the quickest way to success…

And that’s what this event can do for you.

So I suggest you give it a look…

You can get all the info on the event, and apply for a seat right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.