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One of the biggest mistakes you can make as an entrepreneur is comparing your success to the people around you.

For example…

Last month I was in Utah for a mastermind, and I wound up visiting Jeff Siegel while I was there.

If you don’t know Jeff, he used to run The Diet Solution, which is an offer that crushed for over a decade. 

So Jeff has made a lot of dough.

And when I was at Jeff’s house, a thought popped into my mind around  “why don’t I have a house like this?”.

Cause Jeff’s house is insane.

It’s like 10,000 sq ft.  

And looks like something straight out of Architectural Digest.

Now, don’t get me wrong I have a very nice house as well.

But part of me still wanted to compare what I had to what Jeff has.

And what’s funny is that once I started thinking about this a bit, it dawned on me…

I actually would never want a house as big as Jeff’s.

Having a house that big would give me anxiety.

It’d be too much to take care of.

So as awesome as it looks, it probably would not be a good fit for me.

But it’s so easy to see things like this…

And to compare what you have to what they have.

And one thing I’ve learned is no matter how well you’re doing, there’s always someone who’s doing better than you.

Someone with more money…

A cooler car…

A better house…

And if you constantly compare yourself to others based on this stuff, you’re gonna be unhappy.

Cause it’s a game you can’t win.

Someone will always have more than you.

And the reality is that it doesn’t matter if they do or not.

What matters is that you get what YOU want.

And what YOU want varies for everyone…

You might want a baller house on the lake with a boat out back.

Or you might just want a nice ranch out in the country where you can enjoy some peace and quiet.

Everyone is different.

So comparing what you have to someone else is a dumb game to play in my opinion.

And it leads to a lot of unhappiness with entrepreneurs. 

In the end, what really matters is you getting the business and the life you want.

That’s the goal.

It’s not about one-upping everyone else.

It’s about getting what you want.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

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