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Most people feel incredibly guilty when it comes to charging what they should be charging…

For example…

Last year when my dog George was really struggling, I hired a vet to come to the house each week and give him accupuncture, chiropractic care and red light therapy.

This helped immensely with his mobility…

He stopped falling down so much…

He wasn’t dragging his paws on the concrete…

As a result of the therapy, he was able run around at the park with me every morning.

So to me, paying the vet was worth every penny.

It gave me my dog back…

And I got another 6 months of fun with him that I probably wouldn’t have had otherwise.

However, I could tell the vet had some real qualms about charging $140 for her work.

When I wrote her the check each week she was very anxious when I gave it to her.

Almost like she felt like she was ripping me off.

And when I asked her what the price was, she’d kind of sheepishly quote me $140 while she looked down.

It was almost like she was expecting me to have a bad reaction to the price.

But here’s the thing…

I was more than HAPPY to pay it.

Hell I would have probably paid double that considering how much better it made George’s last few months. 

It was worth every penny.

But she didn’t see it like this.

She probably felt like she was charging too much.

And that she was getting the better end of the deal.

It was interesting for me to see this because I see the same thing with a lot of the copywriters that I coach.

Many are scared to increase their rates…

And they worry about offending clients by quoting a price that’s “too high”.

The reality is that none of this is usually true.

I’ve yet to meet a copywriter who charges more than they should be charging.

It just doesn’t happen.

They almost always undercharge.

And the only thing holding them back from charging more is the crap that’s going on inside of them.

It has nothing to do with the client.

It’s all about what’s in their head.

But here’s the thing…

If you’re selling something that people want (like the vet was with my dog) you should be proud to charge what you’re worth.

Cause you’re helping that person…

And you’re making their life better.

Never feel guilty about charging what you’re worth.

Some people will say “yes”…

And others will say “no”.

That’s fine.

But always charge what you’re worth.

– Justin

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