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Note: This is the last email in a series about the mental and emotional struggles you deal with as an entrepreneur.  Hope you’ve enjoyed it so far

“I have to be at the computer”

This is a phrase is that runs through my mind quite often.


Cause I feel like I always need to be working…

I always need to be on the computer.

Doesn’t matter if it’s noon on a Wednesday…

Or 7 PM on a Thursday night.

My “default” mode is to work.

In my mind, there’s always more I could be doing…

More emails to answer…

New projects to work on…

There’s always SOMETHING to do.

And it’s why I really have to restrain myself when it comes to being a work-a-holic.

If I’m not careful, I’ll work from 8 AM until 8 PM.

I’ll work on weekends…

And I’ll never take a vacation.

This is a topic I’ve written about a lot.

Because it’s been a struggle of mine for years.

However today I feel like I’m in a good spot where I work maybe 30 hours a week.

I take most weekends off…

And I’m even taking three vacations this year.

That’s a far cry from where I was just a few years ago when I was working myself to death.

So if you struggle with this as well…

Just know that progress is possible.

For me, one of the biggest lightbulb moments was understanding that I was LESS productive when I worked all the time.

It took a while for me to grasp that. 

But it’s true.

If you’re putting in 12 hours a day, sleeping like crap, and working on weekends, then you’re not getting a great output.

You might be working…

But it’s not at your peak.

That’s why it’s important to put away your laptop at a decent hour…

And take a day or two off on the weekend.

As someone who has tried both ways, I can tell ya this way is better.

You’ll be more enthusiastic about your work.

And you’ll actually enjoy what you’re doing.

So if you struggle with this like I do…

I recommend giving this a shot.

Set some real boundaries on your work time.

And make sure you take real time off. 

Your body will thank you for it.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.