I mentioned in a previous email that the biggest key to success is something that’s incredibly unsexy.
It’s something no one wants to hear…
There’s no shortcut involved…
There’s no “new secret” that will help you.
It’s 100% boring…
It’s the equivalent of telling someone they should sleep more (which is also powerful, but incredibly boring as well).
Any idea what it is?
Fine, I’ll just tell ya…
It’s consistency.
I can already see your eyes rolling.
Cause it’s about as exciting as watching paint dry.
But here’s the thing…
Out of all the things that matter when it comes to scaling your business, or becoming a badass copywriter, consistency is at the top.
Because success will happen when you do the right things over and over.
For example…
When I started this email list, I had a whopping 120 subscribers.
That’s laughably small.
But I still woke up every morning and wrote an email.
And I’ve done the same thing pretty much day-in-and-day-out since 2018.
I write this email even when I don’t feel like writing it…
I write it even if I was up til 2 AM, and I’d rather go back to sleep.
The email gets written.
Because I believe in consistency.
You can’t build something great without consistency.
You don’t become Lebron James without shooting hundreds of jump shots each day…
You don’t become David Dobrik without uploading a new Youtube video every day…
You don’t become Joe Rogan without podcasting multiple times a week…
It’s all about consistency.
The more you do something, the better you get.
And if you’re doing the RIGHT things over and over, you’ll eventually get to where you want.
That’s why consistency is so important.
It’s not sexy…
And no one is gonna write a New York Times best seller on the topic…
But it matters.
And it probably matters more than anything else when it comes to success.
So my advice?
Dedicate yourself to being consistent.
Do the right things over and over again.
And don’t break that habit.
That’s the key.
Enjoy your Wednesday,
– Justin