Something that holds a lot of successful entrepreneurs back from getting to the next level is thinking they’re “too smart for the room”.
For example…
Back in 2020, we had a guy join our mastermind who was a PERFECT fit for the group.
He had an offer that was doing around 50 sales a day on Youtube.
So he knew what he was doing…
And was making sales…
However I saw some big opportunities to fix his copy and dial-in his offer even more.
The lead on his VSL was kind of weak…
And his first upsell needed a makeover…
Yet despite these holes, he was already making a bunch of sales.
So he had a LOT of potential.
I knew we could help him scale this puppy to 100 or 200 sales a day.
However that never happened.
Well, after a few months of being active in Copy Accelerator, the guy I’m talking about stopped attending our calls.
He didn’t ask for feedback anymore.
Later I got word from our team that he wanted out of the group because he felt like he “had gotten all he could out of it, and there wasn’t more for him to learn”.
I was surprised.
And a little angry.
Mostly because I saw the potential this guy had.
I knew we could help him scale.
I knew we could blow his business up if he just listened to our advice.
But sadly that never happened.
And it didn’t happen because of a dangerous belief he had.
He thought he was “too smart for the room”.
In his mind, he knew everything already.
And there wasn’t anything else we could teach him.
Now logically this makes no sense…
I mean we have people from companies like VShred, Golden Hippo and Credit Secrets in our group who learn new stuff every week…
And these guys are doing thousands of sales every single day.
So if they’re still learning from us…
There’s no reason this guy couldn’t as well.
But that didn’t happen.
Cause he was closed off to the idea that we could help him.
He thought he knew more than he did.
Personally I have no ill-will against the guy.
I like him as a person.
It was just hard to watch someone with so much potential, not realize it because he thought he was “too smart for the room”.
Which brings me to the point I want to make…
I’ve seen the “too smart for the room” belief hold many entrepreneurs back.
In fact, I fell victim to it myself back in 2011 or so.
I thought I had it “all figured out”.
I thought I was the best copywriter in the world.
I thought I didn’t have anything left to learn.
Well little did I know, I didn’t know shit.
Sure I had some success…
But I was by no means the god I thought I was.
And it wasn’t until I shed this “I know everything” belief that my income started to shoot up.
I became a student again.
I was open to learning.
That was a big change for me.
And it propelled my income to go from $220k a year to over $2 million a year.
Point being…
If you start to think you know it all…
And that there’s nothing left to learn…
Check your ego.
And re-dedicate yourself to being a student.
Be open to learning…
And to new ideas.
Being “too smart for the room” will only hold you hostage to where you currently are.
Keep that in mind.
And enjoy your Saturday.
– Justin