Stefan and I did a little talk this weekend sharing 7 strategies for making more money and regaining your freedom.
One strategy in particular stood out to me.
It was one that Stefan shared…
And that’s prioritizing your “soft time”.
If you’re not familiar with that phrase, soft time is basically things like hanging with your family, date night, going for a walk etc…
It’s stuff that makes your life better…
More enjoyable…
But most people never schedule it.
We schedule things like business calls we need to be on…
Or copy we need to write…
Those always get put in the calendar…
But hanging with friends for two hours hardly ever gets put in the calendar.
Which I believe is a big mistake.
I personally made this mistake for many, many years.
And as a result, I never had “soft time”.
I always just resorted to working more.
Not smart.
What I’ve found is that the more I schedule the soft time, the happier I am.
For example…
– My friend Layla texted me today to see if I wanted to go for a walk this week, so I’ll pop that in my calendar
– Ive been craving being in the sun lately, so I’ll probably grab some friends and hang at Barton Springs this week. That gets put in the calendar as well.
– I enjoy having dinner parties at my place, so I may have a few peeps over for dinner this weekend. Again, I’ll put it in the calendar.
This is all non-work stuff that I’m scheduling.
Because if I don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.
I’ve been practicing this for a few months now…
And it’s been a gamechanger.
Point being…
You want to schedule your “soft time”.
Just like you’d schedule a meeting.
“Soft time” is just as important.
It’s important for your happiness…
And your sanity.
Highly suggest scheduling more “soft time” if you can swing it.
That’s all I got for ya today…
– Justin