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An interesting question about continuity came in from James that I want to answer…


How would you get a buyer to stay in your monthly continuity program for the REST OF THEIR LIFE, and feel grateful paying every single month.Not 3 months, not a year. Until they die. —–

I hate to break it to you, but what you’re asking is not possible.

Continuity programs in general go against the very nature of how we act as humans.

Just look at how many people start diets and then quit 3 days later.

We are not good at sticking with things (no matter how much they might help us).

So you need to be realistic about how long people will stick.

Getting people to pay you every month for the next 40 years until they keel over and die is simply not realistic.


Most of the reasons people cancel, you have no control over.


For some, their credit card number expires and they never update it with you…

Others simply get interested in something else and aren’t as into whatever you’re selling…

Hell, we’ve had people in our mastermind not renew after we 5x’d their income (they felt like they didn’t need us anymore)

So there’s a million reasons people cancel continuity programs.

And you’ll drive yourself nuts if you expect them all to stick.

One of the best things that Robert Skrob (a continuity wiz) told me was to “focus on the people who want to be there”.

Meaning, don’t worry a whole lot about the people who cancel.

That’s gonna happen.

And unless there’s a very obvious reason they’re leaving, you’re not going to change that.

So the real key is to focus on the people who love what you’re doing.

How can you make their experience better?

How can you make them love you even more?

I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for…

But I think it’s what you need to hear.

Be a little more realistic…

And put your focus on the people who want to be there.

Make sense?

Hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin

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