Usually when I write out my goals for the year they’re almost all focused on my business.
But this year I did something different…
I expanded my goals to all the things I really care about.
And one of those was taking time off of work.
Which might seem like a “weird” goal to some.
But for me, it’s a big deal.
Because I used to never take time off.
I didn’t take vacations.
I just worked all the time.
And I believed that if you took time off that meant you just weren’t very dedicated.
I know how insane that sounds…
But that’s what I believed.
So taking time off was a big goal of mine in 2021.
Specifically I set out to take 3 vacations this year.
I went to Cabo in March with some friends, which was great…
And then this month I’m in Hawaii for a few weeks.
Which has been very relaxing.
One realization I’ve had on this vacation is that most go-getters (like me) have a very hard time turning “it off”.
We always try to fill our day with stuff…
And be productive…
Even if its on vacation.
Well, I’ve been fighting this need to be productive.
And have just been happy with doing nothing.
Yesterday I laid by the beach for about 3 hours and did absolutely nothing.
It was glorious.
Then last night I went and watched the sunset for a few hours.
I wasn’t listening to podcasts…
Or reading business books to make myself feel like I was accomplishing something.
I literally did nothing.
And I’m glad that I did nothing.
Cause it was super relaxing.
And that’s what I need right now.
If you’re a go-getter you prolly relate to this.
You’re used to always doing something.
And being productive.
But when you’re taking time off…
Try to actually take that time off.
Don’t worry about being productive.
Just allow your mind to relax.
And your body to rejuvenate.
That’s probably what it needs more than anything.
Make sense?
Hope so, cause that’s all I got for ya today.
Enjoy your Saturday.
– Justin