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Yesterday on the webinar I ran, I used a little known marketing strategy that Dan Kennedy calls the “chain of belief”.

Here’s how it works…

Before someone will buy from you…

You have to get them to believe certain things.

So for example, yesterday I was showing people how to make over $100k a year as a copywriter.

And even though a lot of people want to do that…

It’s a BIG promise. 

Which is a problem…


Cause most people who are just starting out, don’t think it’s possible to make 6-figures as a copywriter.


They think making 6-figures is about as achievable as going to Jupiter.

So I have to change that belief in their mind.

I have to get them to believe it IS possible to make $100k as a copywriter.

So how did I do this?

Lots of proof.

Instead of just saying “there’s lots of people making 6-figures as copywriters”, I actually brought 4 copywriters on the call who are making over $100k a year.

This was proof that making $100k is possible.


I didn’t just bring any copywriter I could find on the call.

I specifically brought ones on that I thought would be very relatable to your average person.  

For example…

Rob Tidwell was an airplane mechanic before he became a 6-figure copywriter…

Andrew Tennant was slinging life insurance…

Michael Rochin was working customer service at a call center.

And Jerrod Harlan was selling cars, printshop  supplies and everything else under the sun before he started making multiple 6-figures as a copywriter.

These guys are what I would call “normal people”.

They aren’t life long copywriters…

They didn’t study creative writing at Harvard.

They’re normal dudes.


Most of them have only been writing copy for a few years.

So they remember what it was like to work a real job.

So all of that helped the attendees on the webinar to believe that it’s possible to make 6-figures as a copywriter.

Which is what I wanted.

I needed everyone to have that belief.

Otherwise, the rest of what I taught on the call wouldn’t really matter.

But here’s the thing…

And this is a big point…

Most people skip the step I just told you about.

They assume that everyone already believes that making 6-figures as a copywriter is possible.

Well that’s a mistake.

You can’t assume that.

Cause like I said, most people think that’s about as achievable as flying to Jupiter. 

So you have to start there.

And instill that belief first.

This is called the “chain of belief”.

And it’s super powerful when used in sales pages, webinars etc…

It can drastically increase your sales…

And make you a lot more moolah.

So I suggest giving it a try…

BTW if you missed the webinar from yesterday on how to make $100k (or more) as a copywriter, then check out the replay here

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.